Manhattanville Writing Assessment

Most Masters degree and Advanced Certificate candidates must complete a writing assessment within their first full semester following matriculation. The assessment is completed online through Blackboard on the college website. On the basis of the results, students may be required to successfully complete the Graduate Education Writing Tutorial or equivalent remediation before continuing graduate coursework or while they pursue the degree or program.  Offered each semester, the Graduate Education Writing Tutorial is a non-credit bearing workshop open to all graduate students for which students register for officially.  The tutorial or other options for academic support may also be recommended.  When the Writing Assessment Committee finds some concerns in a student’s writing, that student must consult their department chair or program coordinator. If there are exceptional extenuating circumstances, the results may be appealed once, with the approval of the student’s advisor, who will contact the Chair of the Writing Committee.

Students in dual BA/Masters programs, Masters of Ed Studies, CAS in Bilingual Education and programs not leading to professional certification or licensing are exempt.