Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Amended 2008, the College strives to ensure that “no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program administered by the college.”

Students with documented disabilities seeking accommodations may voluntarily register with the Center for Student Accommodations at any time after acceptance to the college.  Students may be asked to provide appropriate and current documentation for each disability where accommodation is sought.  Students may be asked to obtain updated documentation if no recent documentation exists or to go for further disability testing or evaluation to gain more information on accommodation needs. Services, accommodations and/or the need for assistive technology will be determined on an individual basis upon documentation review and a thorough consultation with staff from the Manhattanville Center for Student Accommodations.  


Depending on the information gathered from the student’s intake interview and documentation, the student will either receive a letter of “Approved Accommodations,” or if further documentation is required, the student will be granted “Provisional Accommodations” for one semester in order to give the student time to gather appropriate documentation. Previous provision of accommodations by any institution does not guarantee provision of the same accommodations in a graduate program. 

Once the student receives the letter of approved accommodations and signs a disclosure form with the Center, the student will deliver copies of the letter to their respective faculty members. It is always the student’s choice as to whether that student wants to disclose; however, accommodations can only be provided if the student registers with the Center.  Accommodations are not retroactive.

For further information, including a grievance procedure and Service and Support Animal Policy, see the Manhattanville College Student Handbook and contact the Director of the Center for Student Accommodations.