School District Partnerships and Tuition Discounts

Full-time teachers, administrators, and staff employed in districts, schools, organizations, or networks with which the School of Education has a partnership may be eligible for a tuition discount, for any semester in which they are employed full-time by such an institution. Partnerships are subject to change.

Full-time employees in districts where Manhattanville maintains a professional development school are eligible for a 33% discount. Faculty in districts which belong to the Changing Suburbs Institute are eligible for a 20% discount. For a complete list of current partnerships, consult the college website or the Office of Graduate Advising.

Faculty and administrators who teach in accredited religiously-affiliated institutions, at Churchill School, Summit School, or at Keio Academy, and returned Peace Corps volunteers are also eligible for a tuition discount.

Those claiming eligibility for a discount must complete the “Tuition Verification form,” available from Graduate Advising and must annually submit proof of employment. Due to federal reporting requirements, ALL requests for discounts for a semester must be made by the official ADD/DROP deadline for that semester and preferably before registration. Requests are made to the Office of Graduate Advising.