Accelerated Teacher Internship Program (Jump Start)

This accelerated degree or advanced certificate program is primarily designed for career changers, but may also be appropriate in other circumstances.  Cohorts begin twice a year, in Fall and Spring.  While completing approximately half of the Masters degree, participants conduct a job search with college guidance and may begin paid full-time teaching, almost always in the Bronx, under a NYS internship certificate, in the Fall.  While teaching in following semesters, they complete all other requirements for degree or post-masters program and for certification.

The program is usually available for dual certification with Special Education in the areas of Childhood Education, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Social Studies, and English, and for single certifications in Early Childhood, Physics, Spanish, and TESOL.  The School of Education will assist in locating opportunities to apply for positions.  However, job placement is not guaranteed.