OTMS5320 Service Delivery and Educational Methods
This course examines teamwork, intraprofessional collaboration, and interprofessional collaboration across a variety of practice settings. Course also introduces the teaching-learning process, theories, methods, and techniques. Students will explore educational methods for delivery of education to persons, groups, and populations, including application of concepts of literacy/health literacy.
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Admission to the MSOT Bridge Program, OTMS 5000, OTMS 5010, OTMS 5020, OTMS 5030, OTMS 5040, OTMS 5110, OTMS 5120, OTMS 5130, OTMS 5140, OTMS 5200, OTMS 5210, OTMS 5220
OTMS 5300, OTMS 5310, 5330