Este curso, diseñado por el Centro de Español, el Departamento de Lenguas y Cultura y el Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, busca que los estudiantes de programas de posgrado de la Universidad de los Andes analicen y escriban diversos tipos de texto que hacen parte de la producción académica de sus programas de posgrado. A través del análisis de textos, tanto en su estructura como en su función, y de la comprensión de la escritura como un proceso de cuatro fases (planeación del texto, redacción de la primera versión, auto y coevaluación de este texto, y producción de una versión final), los estudiantes adquirirán competencias para producir los escritos que se esperan de ellos como candidatos a un programa de posgrado y, eventualmente, como investigadores en su profesión.
English Reading Workshops I and II consist of two-level courses structured around English Reading Comprehension Strategies. As a major goal, both workshops intend to introduce to the students different reading alternatives and strategies so that s/he can efficiently understand texts in English as a part of their corpora/ course load in the different areas of study/graduate programs. The first level, English Workshop 1, focuses on basic English reading strategies or the micro abilities necessary for a basic understanding of English-written texts. The second level, English Reading Workshop 2, reviews and strengthens the micro abilities as a starting point towards superior English reading strategies or macro abilities. After taking the workshops, learners will have developed a strategic training to enhance autonomous and efficient English reading processes.
Reading Workshops I and II are taught with a blended learning approach. This methodology intends to coherently integrate (computer-mediated) online activities with face-to-face activities. In order to get successful results in these courses, the student must be highly committed to do the online and face-to-face activities rigorously and consciously. Such commitment will make it possible to strengthen and deepen the knowledge acquired in the course. This will lead to a successful achievement of the objectives in each of the two levels.
English Reading Workshops I and II consist of two-level courses structured around English Reading Comprehension Strategies. As a major goal, both workshops intend to introduce to the students different reading alternatives and strategies so that s/he can efficiently understand texts in English as a part of their corpora/ course load in the different areas of study/graduate programs. The first level, English Workshop 1, focuses on basic English reading strategies or the micro abilities necessary for a basic understanding of English-written texts. The second level, English Reading Workshop 2, reviews and strengthens the micro abilities as a starting point towards superior English reading strategies or macro abilities. After taking the workshops, learners will have developed a strategic training to enhance autonomous and efficient English reading processes.
Reading Workshops I and II are taught with a blended learning approach. This methodology intends to coherently integrate (computer-mediated) online activities with face-to-face activities. In order to get successful results in these courses, the student must be highly committed to do the online and face-to-face activities rigorously and consciously. Such commitment will make it possible to strengthen and deepen the knowledge acquired in the course. This will lead to a successful achievement of the objectives in each of the two levels.
Para satisfacer requisito de domino de lengua extranjera, todos los estudiantes de posgrado de la Universidad deben inscribir el código LENG 4999 de manera que, una vez hayan demostrado su competencia en una lengua extranjera según las diferentes modalidades que ofrece la Universidad, quede constancia de aprobación en su registro académico.