Transfer Credits

With the approval of Graduate Advising, matriculated Masters and advanced certificate program students may transfer up to six graduate credits toward their degree from a nationally accredited college or a non-nationally accredited institution with comparable curriculum and standards to those at Manhattanville College, provided that the coursework is determined by the Office of Graduate Advising in consultation with Manhattanville SOE faculty to have the necessary learning outcomes, to be current, to be appropriate for the student’s program, and to have earned a letter grade of B+ or better.  Additional credits taken at regional institutions or for specific programs above 6 credits typically not to exceed 50% of required courses, excluding student teaching or leadership practica,. will be considered at the discretion of the college.  No courses graded Pass/Fail can be accepted for a degree or certificate program, unless the grading policies of the relevant college can be documented. Credits for student teaching or practica completed elsewhere cannot be transferred to Manhattanville from another institution.

No credits can be transferred to a Masters degree program from a Masters degree completed at another institution.  

Up to 12 credits of post-masters courses, taken at a nationally accredited institution, or a non-nationally accredited institution with comparable curriculum and standards to those at Manhattanville College, provided that the coursework is determined by the faculty to have the necessary learning outcomes, to be current and appropriate for the student’s program, that has earned a grade of B+ or better, within the last ten (10) years, may be transferred into the Doctoral degree to replace specified courses, with approval of the Doctoral Admissions Committee. 

Students in the Dissertation Completion Pathway of the Doctoral Program may transfer up to 39 credits into the 59-credit doctoral program, with approval of the Doctoral Admissions Committee.  


Candidates must file a written request to have course credits approved for transfer.  Masters-level students are strongly advised to request approval from the Office of Graduate Advising for coursework to be transferred before courses are taken.  Acceptance of transfer credits cannot be guaranteed.  Doctoral students will normally make this request and receive advisement and possible approval during the second semester of the program.

In all cases, faculty may request a course description and/or a syllabus to facilitate review.  It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the coursework will earn/has earned official graduate-level credits and a letter grade. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the School of Education receives an official copy of the transcript for a transfer course.  If transcripts are received later than 5 business days before the student’s graduation, that student’s graduation will be postponed until the following semester.

Any course substitutions made among courses offered by Manhattanville for a Manhattanville degree or Advanced Certificate program must be approved by the Office of Graduate Advising in consultation with the relevant department chair.