Grade Requirements

Students in Masters degree and Advanced Certificate programs must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.  Professional behavior and dispositions are an absolute requirement in all Education fields and will be part of the assessment of students in all courses. 

Masters students receiving a grade of C or below in any course or whose cumulative Grade Point Average is below 3.00 at the end of any semester will be subject to review by the Office of Graduate Advising and/or the SOE Graduate Academic Standards Committee.  At their discretion, this review could result in a requirement that the student repeat that course at the college or elsewhere or complete one or more equivalent courses or be denied permission to register for further study in the School of Education.  Grades below C will not count towards a degree or advanced certificate Program.  If a student receives a C or below in any course and re-taking the course is required, the course may be repeated only once.

Masters and Advanced Certificate students whose cumulative Grade Point Average falls below 3.00 for all courses required for the degree or certificate cannot graduate.  They may be denied permission to register for further courses in the School of Education or they may be placed on academic probation and other conditions for continuing in the program may be set.

No more than one course with a grade of C may be counted for credit in a student’s doctoral program.  Doctoral students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above.  Those whose cumulative grade point average drops below 3.25 or those who earn a C or less in two or more courses will be placed on academic probation. Once on academic probation, a student must meet with his or her academic advisor and make a plan for correcting the problem. The student will have one calendar year to implement the plan. Students who earn C’s or below in two courses must take at least one of those courses again at the next available opportunity and earn a B or above.  Doctoral students who do not meet the requirements for removing themselves from academic probation within a year will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs along with the School of Education Academic Standards Committee, which may expel the student or develop a new plan for remediation.

Should a doctoral student earn a grade lower than B. the Program Director, in consultation with the doctoral faculty, may require a retake to earn a B or above.  A doctoral student who earns more than 5 credits with grades lower than B is subject to dismissal.  


All courses applying towards certification or licensing and all courses counting towards a Masters degree or Advanced Certificate program, except for some internships, must be taken for a letter grade.


Students cannot graduate while on academic probation, suspension, or expulsion, or while any course is incomplete.