Leaves of Absence, Withdrawals, and Return

The College understands that students may encounter unforeseen circumstances and unpredictable occurrences that can make completing a graduate program overly difficult. Graduate students wishing to withdraw completely or take a leave of absence may do so at any time by informing the Office of Graduate Advising and completing a Graduate Leave/Withdrawal form, available from Graduate Advising. Withdrawal from a program that includes withdrawing from on-going courses after the “add/drop” deadline of a given semester will be governed as stated in the sections “Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses” and “Refund Policy.”

All students leaving a program under any such circumstances are strongly urged to consult with the Office of Financial Aid.  Graduate Advising will inform the Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and Graduate Admissions.

To return after an official leave of absence, Masters students must make a request for reinstatement to the Office of Graduate Advising, in writing.  Depending on the length of the hiatus, additional Education courses may be required to update the student's program, as determined by the relevant department of the School of Education.  Students will also have to meet any new or revised certification requirements imposed by NYSED.

Masters students who have withdrawn must apply to the Graduate Admissions Office for formal re-admittance.  Re-admittance is not guaranteed.  Students must meet standards for admission that are in effect at the time of application for re-admittance.

Doctoral students may apply in writing for a leave of absence for up to one year (or increments by term for up to 3 terms).  Approved leave will not count toward the student’s time-to-degree. Leaves will not be granted to students who have completed less than one full term of enrollment or who are not in good academic standing.  Such students must also apply for permission to re-enter.  Students with permission to reenter will coordinate with their doctoral advisor how to re-schedule coursework. Approval for withdrawal and re-entry is not automatic.

All graduate students with outstanding registration holds, whether academic or financial, cannot be readmitted or resume study until these have been resolved.