Policies, Procedures and Examinations

The College provides, insofar as is consistent with NYSED requirements, individualized programs, and carefully selected placements for student teaching.  Advisement is critical for a successful experience; therefore, all students are required to meet with an advisor on a regular basis. Students are responsible for meeting all relevant deadlines.

Course Formats

Courses may be offered in a variety of formats, including in-person, hybrid (intensive or reduced in-person hours), hybrid-flexible (in-person and/or online attendance), and fully online asynchronous or synchronous formats.

Advising and Registration

Students are strongly advised to consult with the Graduate Advising Office, the Doctoral Program director, the Jump Start director or other program director, as relevant, every semester.    Registration for practica must be approved by the Graduate Advising Office and for all student teaching courses by the Office of Field Placement.   Students are advised to register in a timely fashion for those courses they know they must take in each semester.  Graduate Education courses are typically closed with 25 students; however, some courses, including some methods and assessment courses, practica, seminars, Liberal Arts, and technology courses, are closed with fewer students.

Students who are not registered may not attend classes. Registration Conditions:  The College reserves the right to divide, cancel, or reschedule classes or reassign instructors.  If course cancelations occur, students will be notified in order to adjust their schedules.  Places in limited enrollment courses cannot be held after classes begin.  Graduate Advising, in consultation with faculty, has the right to notify the Registrar’s Office to admit students to limited enrollment courses.

Wait List Policy

Students may place themselves on a wait list for a closed class at any time once registration opens, up to the official Add/Drop date for that semester.  When and if seats in that class become available, students will be notified in the chronological order in which they were added to the wait list, by email to their Manhattanville student email addresses, that they may proceed to register.  Such students must officially register themselves on Service Hub within 48 hours or that seat will be given to the next student on the wait list.

Students who are not registered may not attend classes.

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses

Graduate students may add and drop courses during a specified period at the beginning of each semester/session. No courses may be added after this period. After the deadline, students may withdraw from courses up to a specified date near the end of each semester/session. Withdrawing from a course requires approval by the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs. Withdrawing from a course after the “Add/Drop Period” will be recorded as a “W” on the student’s official transcript. Students must officially drop or withdraw from courses; otherwise, courses will remain on transcripts with grade of “F,” which will impact the student’s GPA.

All students who wish to drop or withdraw from courses are strongly urged to consult with the Office of Financial Aid beforehand.

Refunds of tuition when students drop or withdraw from courses are pro-rated downward beginning on the first day of the semester, not the first meeting of the class. Please see the refund policy below.


All graduate students are given a Manhattanville e-mail address. All official communications with graduate students will occur through e-mail to the Manhattanville e-mail address. Grade reports will be available only through Service Hub on the college website.

Clinical Field Experience

All programs leading to New York State certification must provide a minimum of 100 hours of field experience for candidates. Field experience hours are incorporated into course assignments for required courses.  Students should be aware that many courses require a time commitment beyond the time in the college classroom.  A course which requires field experience cannot be passed unless the field experience hours have been successfully completed.  Field experience hours must be completed at specified grade levels in specified types of schools, including the full range of grades for the certificate being sought and schools with a diverse student body. Students must provide their own transportation to field experience sites.

Student/Supervised Teaching

Student/supervised teaching is the culmination of all certification programs. Student/supervised teaching consists of one complete semester, following a full-time school schedule, and includes a weekly seminar.  The weekly seminar is an integral part of student/supervised teaching and all course assignments for the seminar must be successfully completed.  Professional behavior and deportment are critical to successful teaching and will be assessed during the student/supervised teaching experience.

Successful completion of student/supervised teaching requires success in both seminar and classroom teaching experience.  Students who pass only seminar will not receive a passing grade in the student teaching course and vice versa.  Student/supervised teaching may be repeated once only for a single program only if a student receives a grade of “C” or below.  If a host K-12 school removes a student from a student/supervised teaching placement, the college will attempt to find one additional placement, after which, the Masters degree may not be achievable.

Placement of teacher candidates in classrooms for student/supervised teaching is a complex process, necessitating finding appropriate schools and grade levels to fulfill certification and degree requirements.  Considerable time is also required to ensure that each candidate will be placed in the most suitable seminar group.  ALL student or supervised teaching must be pre-approved.

Candidates for student/supervised teaching in Fall semester must schedule an appointment and meet with the Office of Field Placement by March 1 of the preceding Spring semester.  Candidates for student/supervised teaching in Spring semester must schedule an appointment and meet with the Office of Field Placement by October 1 of the preceding Fall.  Students who do not meet these deadlines may have to postpone student teaching.

Candidates for student/supervised teaching must also schedule a review by the Office of Graduate Advising before meeting with the Office of Field Placement. 

With approval of the Office of Field Placement, experienced candidates who are employed as teachers in an accredited school and teaching in the area of their degree or post-masters program may be able to use their own classrooms as their supervised teaching sites.  Students who think they may be eligible must speak directly with the Director of Field Placement, who will ascertain whether or not the teaching environment is appropriate. It is important to know in advance whether the required course competencies can be demonstrated in the setting. It is imperative that the student discuss his/her plans for a supervised teaching experience with the principal, and that the student receive some latitude in planning for the class during the semester. Supervised teachers attend the weekly integrating seminar along with the student teachers, and the seminar serves the same function in both cases.

Students must be fully matriculated prior to beginning their student/supervised teaching. 

Virtually all graduate Education courses and culminating experiences for the Masters degree or Advanced Certificate program, and most NYS liberal arts requirements for certification, and required NYS workshops and certification exams must be completed before student/supervised teaching, except in exceptional circumstances. Those who are not candidates for NY teaching or leadership certification do not need to meet NYS certification requirements.

Student teaching can be completed only in the Fall or Spring semesters.

Students must provide their own transportation to and from placement sites.  

Successful completion of student teaching does not automatically entail that the candidate is eligible for certification.

For additional information, please refer to the Student/Supervised Teaching Handbook in the Field Placement Office.


Student teaching will almost always be completed within a twenty-five mile radius from the college within Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange, Fairfield, Bronx or New York Counties.

The supervised/student teaching fee is based on the number of credits taken ($373 for 3 credits; $745 for 6 credits) during each student/supervised teaching semester.

Student/supervised teachers with placements between a 26- and 50-mile radius from the Manhattanville campus will incur an additional fee. An out-of-area student/supervised teaching placement (defined as a placement that is above a 50-mile radius from the Manhattanville College campus) will also incur an additional fee, plus specific requirements completed by the teacher candidate. All mileage is determined by the Office of Field Placement and Certification. Contact the Director of Field Placement and Certification with questions or for additional information. Procedures and fees are subject to change.




Independent Study

Courses in the independent study format may be available optionally where courses may not be offered with regularity in smaller programs, where there are unavoidable course conflicts, or where students have an extensive background in a subject. Independent study courses are offered strictly with the approval of a faculty mentor who will supervise and the Office of Graduate Advising or the Doctoral Program Director (or designee). Hours and assignments will follow NY State and School of Education requirements. No more than three independent studies (or 9 credits) are typically allowed in a degree or certificate program.  Doctoral students may complete no more than 6 credits in this format at the college.

Meeting times and hours are specified on the “Independent Study Contract,” which is completed by the instructor, signed by the student and the instructor, and approved by the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs or the Doctoral Director.  Independent studies also have specific reading and/or research assignments, which are set and reviewed by the instructor, each of which requires a minimum number of hours.



Grade Requirements

Students in Masters degree and Advanced Certificate programs must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.  Professional behavior and dispositions are an absolute requirement in all Education fields and will be part of the assessment of students in all courses. 

Masters students receiving a grade of C or below in any course or whose cumulative Grade Point Average is below 3.00 at the end of any semester will be subject to review by the Office of Graduate Advising and/or the SOE Graduate Academic Standards Committee.  At their discretion, this review could result in a requirement that the student repeat that course at the college or elsewhere or complete one or more equivalent courses or be denied permission to register for further study in the School of Education.  Grades below C will not count towards a degree or advanced certificate Program.  If a student receives a C or below in any course and re-taking the course is required, the course may be repeated only once.

Masters and Advanced Certificate students whose cumulative Grade Point Average falls below 3.00 for all courses required for the degree or certificate cannot graduate.  They may be denied permission to register for further courses in the School of Education or they may be placed on academic probation and other conditions for continuing in the program may be set.

No more than one course with a grade of C may be counted for credit in a student’s doctoral program.  Doctoral students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above.  Those whose cumulative grade point average drops below 3.25 or those who earn a C or less in two or more courses will be placed on academic probation. Once on academic probation, a student must meet with his or her academic advisor and make a plan for correcting the problem. The student will have one calendar year to implement the plan. Students who earn C’s or below in two courses must take at least one of those courses again at the next available opportunity and earn a B or above.  Doctoral students who do not meet the requirements for removing themselves from academic probation within a year will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs along with the School of Education Academic Standards Committee, which may expel the student or develop a new plan for remediation.

Should a doctoral student earn a grade lower than B. the Program Director, in consultation with the doctoral faculty, may require a retake to earn a B or above.  A doctoral student who earns more than 5 credits with grades lower than B is subject to dismissal.  


All courses applying towards certification or licensing and all courses counting towards a Masters degree or Advanced Certificate program, except for some internships, must be taken for a letter grade.


Students cannot graduate while on academic probation, suspension, or expulsion, or while any course is incomplete.

Repeating a Course

Graduate Education courses in which a grade above C has been earned may not be retaken for credit towards a degree or advanced certificate program.  Graduate Education courses in which a grade of C has been earned may be repeated only with permission of the Office of Graduate Advising, the Doctoral Program Director, or the SOE Graduate Academic Standards Committee, as relevant.  A non-matriculated student who is taking a course for purposes of teacher or leader certification may retake a graduate course if he/she has received a grade of C+ or below.  Repeated courses will not count towards cumulative credits earned, except for certain internships.  

For repeated coursework, both grades earned will count towards the cumulative GPA.  


An incomplete or “Grade Deferred” for a graduate Education course is granted by the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs or Doctoral Program Director, as appropriate, with approval by the course instructor, for extraordinary reasons and for a limited, specified period of time, where there is a realistic probability of successful completion of the course and learning objectives can be achieved.  This will typically not exceed one semester and may not exceed one year.  If the work is not completed by the time specified, the student’s grade automatically becomes an “F.” An incomplete Grade Contract must be signed by the instructor, student, and Associate Dean or Doctoral advisor.

Transfer Credits

With the approval of Graduate Advising, matriculated Masters and advanced certificate program students may transfer up to six graduate credits toward their degree from a nationally accredited college or a non-nationally accredited institution with comparable curriculum and standards to those at Manhattanville College, provided that the coursework is determined by the Office of Graduate Advising in consultation with Manhattanville SOE faculty to have the necessary learning outcomes, to be current, to be appropriate for the student’s program, and to have earned a letter grade of B+ or better.  Additional credits taken at regional institutions or for specific programs above 6 credits typically not to exceed 50% of required courses, excluding student teaching or leadership practica,. will be considered at the discretion of the college.  No courses graded Pass/Fail can be accepted for a degree or certificate program, unless the grading policies of the relevant college can be documented. Credits for student teaching or practica completed elsewhere cannot be transferred to Manhattanville from another institution.

No credits can be transferred to a Masters degree program from a Masters degree completed at another institution.  

Up to 12 credits of post-masters courses, taken at a nationally accredited institution, or a non-nationally accredited institution with comparable curriculum and standards to those at Manhattanville College, provided that the coursework is determined by the faculty to have the necessary learning outcomes, to be current and appropriate for the student’s program, that has earned a grade of B+ or better, within the last ten (10) years, may be transferred into the Doctoral degree to replace specified courses, with approval of the Doctoral Admissions Committee. 

Students in the Dissertation Completion Pathway of the Doctoral Program may transfer up to 39 credits into the 59-credit doctoral program, with approval of the Doctoral Admissions Committee.  


Candidates must file a written request to have course credits approved for transfer.  Masters-level students are strongly advised to request approval from the Office of Graduate Advising for coursework to be transferred before courses are taken.  Acceptance of transfer credits cannot be guaranteed.  Doctoral students will normally make this request and receive advisement and possible approval during the second semester of the program.

In all cases, faculty may request a course description and/or a syllabus to facilitate review.  It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the coursework will earn/has earned official graduate-level credits and a letter grade. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the School of Education receives an official copy of the transcript for a transfer course.  If transcripts are received later than 5 business days before the student’s graduation, that student’s graduation will be postponed until the following semester.

Any course substitutions made among courses offered by Manhattanville for a Manhattanville degree or Advanced Certificate program must be approved by the Office of Graduate Advising in consultation with the relevant department chair.

Professional Development

Courses taken for purposes of professional development or NYS Continuing Teacher and Leader Education hours may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.  A grade of “Pass” will be awarded for work equivalent to a B- or above.  Students taking graduate courses for professional development credit or CTLE hours must complete all assigned work for the course.  It is the responsibility of participants to verify with their schools or school districts whether such credit is acceptable.

Auditing courses

Students may audit most graduate courses in the School of Education.  Auditors may not audit doctoral courses, most Education Leadership courses, online or hybrid courses, most courses held off-campus, practica, seminars, student teaching, or courses requiring specific equipment such as Physical Education or Ed Tech courses.

Auditors must register by the first day of the semester, if space is available, and may start attending.  Auditors will be officially registered as of the “add/drop” deadline each semester.  Auditing will result in an official college transcript with no letter grade or credits earned.

Auditors may participate in in-class activities not leading to a grade, such as class discussion or small group work.  Auditors will not submit work to be assessed by the instructor and will not present assigned work individually or as part of a group to the class.

Comprehensive Exam, Degree Portfolio or Final Project

All Masters degrees conferred in New York State must include a culminating experience.  Depending on their programs, degree candidates are required to complete one or more culminating experiences as specified for the relevant program.  Different programs require comprehensive examinations at different stages of the program.  SEE PROGRAM PLANS FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. 


Comprehensive examinations in Secondary subjects, Special Subjects, Early Childhood, Literacy, and Special Education are offered twice a year, during the Fall and Spring semesters.  For students whose graduation would be substantially delayed or who will be student teaching in the Fall, examinations in all areas except Literacy or Special Education may be offered in the Summer.  Students must register for the relevant examination or portfolio by the beginning of the semester in which they will take it. 


Students who fail any comprehensive examination or whose portfolio is rejected must re-register and retake the exam or resubmit the portfolio once.  Those who fail or are rejected a second time will be required to substitute additional remediation, which may include coursework and must include a substantial writing component and will be prohibited from registering for any other graduate education courses until this requirement has been satisfied.  Those who submit a portfolio for Childhood, Science Education, Computer Science Education or Education Leadership which is rejected may revise and resubmit in the same semester.


Culminating Experience Reports required for all Childhood programs, Computer Science Education, and Science Education portfolios will be due during the semester prior to student teaching, except in limited cases where students have not completed all relevant required courses.  Education Leadership portfolios are due in the final semester of the student’s program.


Candidates in Teaching Languages Other Than English and in Bilingual Education must also complete the Oral Proficiency Interview and Written Proficiency Test of the American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages, through www.languagetesting.com, with scores of “Advanced-Low” or above.


Doctoral Portfolio

Doctoral students in Signature and Higher Ed Pathways will submit an electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) in Capstone 2, documenting progress in and reflecting on required coursework. Initial progress toward the ePortfolio will be submitted, with a first-year reflection, in Capstone 1. Students will begin developing an e-portfolio in pro-seminar in their first year. All portfolios will be electronic, and all doctoral students will continuously update their portfolios until they complete their doctoral program studies.

If it is determined that the student has performed unacceptably in many areas, and/or has demonstrated patterns, characteristics, skills, or abilities incompatible with positions of responsibility and leadership, the academic advisor and/or pathway coordinator in consultation with the Program Director will work with the student to develop a detailed action plan for remediation with specific outcomes that can be monitored and assessed. The pathway coordinator will meet with the student monthly to monitor progress and discuss possible adjustments in the action plan.

If the decision is negative, that decision, and any associated documentation will be passed on to the program director, who will arrange a meeting with the Department Chair and the Dean of the School of Education. After the group reviews the material provided, they also meet with the student and then make a decision to support or overrule the portfolio committee. If the group upholds the coordinator’s decision, the student will not be allowed to continue.


Extensive information and guidelines on the doctoral dissertation, the dissertation committee, and processes for completion and defense of the dissertation can be found in the Doctoral Program LibGuide, available on the college website and through the Doctoral Program Director.

Intent to Graduate and Graduation

It is the responsibility of students in all degree or advanced certification programs to notify the College through Service Hub of their intent to graduate, by the beginning of the semester of graduation.  Students must complete all program requirements in order to graduate. Only students who have received or will be receiving a Masters or Doctoral degree are eligible to participate in commencement ceremonies.   Individuals who have completed the required curriculum for an Advanced Certificate program or a Professional Diploma will be listed in the Commencement program, but are not eligible to participate in Commencement. Official documentation of completion of a certificate program or a professional diploma is recorded only on the student’s official transcript.                                                                                                  

Leaves of Absence, Withdrawals, and Return

The College understands that students may encounter unforeseen circumstances and unpredictable occurrences that can make completing a graduate program overly difficult. Graduate students wishing to withdraw completely or take a leave of absence may do so at any time by informing the Office of Graduate Advising and completing a Graduate Leave/Withdrawal form, available from Graduate Advising. Withdrawal from a program that includes withdrawing from on-going courses after the “add/drop” deadline of a given semester will be governed as stated in the sections “Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from Courses” and “Refund Policy.”

All students leaving a program under any such circumstances are strongly urged to consult with the Office of Financial Aid.  Graduate Advising will inform the Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and Graduate Admissions.

To return after an official leave of absence, Masters students must make a request for reinstatement to the Office of Graduate Advising, in writing.  Depending on the length of the hiatus, additional Education courses may be required to update the student's program, as determined by the relevant department of the School of Education.  Students will also have to meet any new or revised certification requirements imposed by NYSED.

Masters students who have withdrawn must apply to the Graduate Admissions Office for formal re-admittance.  Re-admittance is not guaranteed.  Students must meet standards for admission that are in effect at the time of application for re-admittance.

Doctoral students may apply in writing for a leave of absence for up to one year (or increments by term for up to 3 terms).  Approved leave will not count toward the student’s time-to-degree. Leaves will not be granted to students who have completed less than one full term of enrollment or who are not in good academic standing.  Such students must also apply for permission to re-enter.  Students with permission to reenter will coordinate with their doctoral advisor how to re-schedule coursework. Approval for withdrawal and re-entry is not automatic.

All graduate students with outstanding registration holds, whether academic or financial, cannot be readmitted or resume study until these have been resolved.