Sound Recording Technology
Department of Music: (361) 698-1211
The Associate of Applied Science degree in Sound Recording Technology (SRT) prepares students for jobs that intersect the skills used in audio recording, live sound, film/video and post-production, music retail and small business ownership. This includes the operation of equipment and software used in studio recording and mixing, live venue console operation and sound reinforcement systems, non-linear video editing and skills needed to operate a personal business related to the aforementioned fields. Strong emphasis is placed on technical ability and knowledge, aural skills and listening, creative problem solving and musical understanding. All SRT students must complete courses in music theory, piano, ear training, directed business electives and an applied instrument (or voice) in addition to the music technology specific classes. Students must pass all MUSI and MUSC classes with a "C" or better to advance to the next level or count as a prerequisite.
The objectives for the Certificate in Sound Recording Business are more focused than the full AAS and the coursework is streamlined. The curriculum for the certificate directs the education of the student toward a small business ownership in music; primarily a project-oriented recording studio or for knowledge relevant for music retail.
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