Physical Therapist Assistant
Department of Allied Health: (361) 698-2820
The Physical Therapist Assistant is a health care professional who works under the supervision of a Licensed Physical Therapist. The responsibilities of a Physical Therapist Assistant include a variety of services such as cardiac rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, orthopedics, geriatrics, pediatrics, wound care, sports medicine, home health, and wellness.
The Physical Therapist Assistant may implement treatment programs developed by the Physical Therapist which may include therapeutic exercises; gait training and assisting with prosthetics and brace training; administering various hot/cold/electrical modalities and traction; application of various external bandages, supports and dressings; measuring joint motion and muscle function; and, educating other health care providers, patients, and families.
Program graduates are required to pass an exit mock state board exam before graduation. Students who pass this exam will be prepared to sit for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) which is administered by the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. Graduates cannot work in the field as a Physical Therapist Assistant without passing the NPTE.
The Del Mar College Physical Therapist Assistant Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) (, 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1488; (703) 706-3245 or 1-800-999-2782;
In addition to the standard College admission process, students planning to enter the Physical Therapist Assistant program must submit the following to the Physical Therapist Assistant program office by June 1:
- Physical Therapist Assistant program application form
- All college transcripts from Del Mar College and other schools
- Evidence of 15 hours (total) of observation in three different settings
- Evidence of a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA
Please contact the program director for more information at (361) 698-1848 or go online to the Physical Therapist Assistant program section of the Del Mar College website ( for all program admission information and required forms.
After the Physical Therapist Assistant program office receives all of the above items, the applicants will be notified of admissions to the program within 30 days of the application deadline.
After program acceptance, the student must submit a completed physical examination, proof of Hepatitis B series, all required immunizations, college transcripts, a current card of completion in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for Health Care Providers and HPRS 1204 Competency Form.
Upon enrollment, the student must pass a background check and drug screen test, at student's expense, for security clearance and continued enrollment in the program.
Please contact program director if you have questions about any of these requirements.
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