Aviation Maintenance
Department of Architecture, Aviation, and Automotive: (361) 698-2721
The Aviation Maintenance Program is certified and accredited by the Federal Aviation Administration (https://www.faa.gov) under the Air Agency Certificate #D18T094K. The San Antonio Flight Standard District Office (FSDO) has direct oversight of the AM program. The San Antonio FDSO (https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo/sat) is located at 10100 Reunion Place, San Antonio, Texas 78216.
The Aviation Maintenance (AM) program curriculum is currently ONLY delivered in a traditional classroom environment on the Windward Campus of Del Mar College (DMC) and at the Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA). All students must meet general admission requirements of the College.
Aviation is a highly specialized career field that requires acute execution of tasks from its professionals. The role of the Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) is to work as a recognized member (Airframe & Power Plant) within the broad aspect of the aviation field in a variety of venues and under the supervision of an AMT with an Inspection Authorization or lead technician. Del Mar College strives to provide the best AM education in South Texas. Special Admissions Policy for the program is no longer in effect since Fall 2013.
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