Department of Architecture, Aviation, and Automotive: (361) 698-1725
The Architecture Program is the suggested transfer plan to follow if a student wishes to seek a professional degree in the field of architecture and then go on to become an architect. The College has an articulation agreement with Texas Tech University for transfer of this program. Additionally, the program includes the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Field of Study in Architecture course curricula for transfer to an upper-level higher education institution program in this field.
Admission Information
Students interested in enrolling in the Architecture program at Del Mar College must submit a completed application. Contact the Department of Architecture, Aviation, and Automotive office to begin the application process by scheduling an appointment for advising. Advancement in the Architecture program is dependent upon a formal review conducted after completion of the first year of architectural design studios. Student performance criteria and other program requirements can be found in the Architecture Program application packet (PDF) (
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