Student Handbook

Computer Services

Strayer University provides a variety of computer services to students. The University has at least one (1) computer lab at each campus location, including an open lab that is available for student use during normal campus hours. A number of courses are also taught in Strayer University teaching labs. All labs are equipped with state of the art computer systems and high-speed Internet connections. Each lab has an array of software for use by students. This software includes, but is not limited to, the Microsoft Office Suite, Peachtree accounting software, and Microsoft Visual Studio.

The computer labs also have connections to online databases and eBooks for use in research and related projects. A partial listing includes the ACM Digital Library; EBSCOhost’s Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Education Source, and Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text; eLibrary; Loislaw; LexisNexis Academic; ProQuest’s National Newspapers Premier; Encyclopedia Britannica Online; Mergent Online; Congressional Quarterly Suite; Oxford Reference Online. Access to eBooks is available from EBSCOhost’s eBook collection, the IGI Global Research Collection, and Credo Reference. These databases and eBooks have proven to be an excellent resource for Strayer University students.

Each University location has an onsite Campus Lab Monitor and/or Learning Resources Center Manager who can assist students with basic computer questions. They can also help students in the use of online databases as well as basic functions of Microsoft Word and Excel.