Student Handbook

Student Rights and Responsibilities

This statement of rights and responsibilities is designed to clarify those privileges which the student may expect to enjoy as a member of the student body of Strayer University and the obligations which the University places upon the student.

Rights and Responsibilities

Application for admission to Strayer University represents a voluntary decision on the part of the prospective student to participate in the programs offered by the institution pursuant to the policies, rules, and guidelines of the University as established or approved by the Board of Trustees. Approval of that application, in turn, represents the extension of a privilege to join the University community and to remain a part of it so long as the student meets the required academic standards and abides by the policies and procedures of the University.

Each student is guaranteed the privilege of exercising his/her rights within University policies and applicable law without fear of reprisal. Such rights include the following:

  1. Students are free to pursue their educational goals, both inside and outside the classroom. The University provides opportunities for learning through appropriate curricula offerings.
  2. Academic evaluation of student performance shall be fair and clear; it shall not be arbitrary.
  3. Free inquiry, expression, and assembly are guaranteed to all students, provided their actions do not interfere with the rights of others or violate established University policies.
  4. No disciplinary sanctions may be imposed upon any student without following the procedures as outlined in this Handbook.
  5. Members of the University community have the right to expect safety, protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process.