Student Handbook

History and Mission

In the late 1800’s, Dr. S. Irving Strayer realized that the business world was evolving and that education was not keeping up. Working adults needed a focused education to help them further their careers and advance their lives. So, in 1892, he founded Strayer's Business College of Baltimore City.

124 years later, Strayer University is one of the largest accredited universities in America. Our campuses can be found in cities and suburbs across the country. We’re also a leading online educator. In fact, we have offered online courses since 1996. We aim to serve all students, from recent high school graduates wanting to finish school before entering the workforce to mature adults with full-time careers, part-time jobs, active military service, and U.S. veteran status.

At Strayer University, we exist for a single, driving purpose: to make college degrees accessible and help people advance their lives through education.

Whether you seek a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, our goal is to provide a relevant education that works for you and that you can obtain for less and time and money than you ever thought..

What we take great pride in:

Our academic quality – We are an accredited university. We have an esteemed faculty. Our courses are challenging. Added together, that results in a valuable degree.

An accessible education – On campus, online, or a little bit of both. We strive to provide educational opportunities that work with your schedule.

A supportive environment – On campus, online, or a little bit of both. We are here for you and work to ensure that you receive the support to be successful.