Student Handbook

Student Organizations

Student organizations may be established within the University. The following policies apply to all student organizations recognized by Strayer University.

  1. The entire program of student activities, including student organizations, shall be under the review of the Office of Student Affairs .
  2. All student organizations must have a faculty advisor, approved by the Campus Dean.
  3. Each student organization must provide a full membership list, names of organization officers, and copies of the organization’s Constitution and By-Laws to the Campus Dean and the Office of Student Affairs. All amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws must be submitted for approval before they become effective.
  4. Organizations must be open to all members of the Strayer University student community regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, age, political affiliation, religion, physical challenges, national origin, marital status, or sexual orientation.
  5. Student organizations may use University facilities to hold regular club meetings, social events, and activities that are open to the Strayer University community. However, the use of University facilities must be approved by the Campus Dean.
  6. Invited guests must have the written approval of the organization’s faculty advisor and the Campus Dean.
  7. No individual, group, or organization may use the University’s name, logo, or specific applications thereof (e.g., official stationary) without the express authority of the Office of the President.
  8. Any organization engaging in illegal activities, on or off campus, is subject to sanctions, including admonition, probation, or withdrawal of University recognition.
  9. Private clubs and associations are not authorized or recognized at Strayer University.
  10. Establishment of a new student organization may require authorization by the Dean of Students .