Teacher Education

Associate of Science


School: Arts, Education, Humanities, and Social Science

Dean: TBD

Program Director: Nancy Rosen, Nancy.rosen@sunyrockland.edu

Support Staff: April Jones, april.jones@sunyrockland.edu

Location: Academic I, Room 2108, Phone: 845-574-4482

Degrees Offered:

Program Description:

The program will provide students with an effective, rigorous, and dynamic liberal arts and theoretical based program that will assist students in becoming effective educational professionals. Students enroll in course work that will prepare them to transfer to a four-year institution that provides teacher education as a career pathway.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills
  • Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrate knowledge of core theories and practices of early childhood, childhood and/or adolescence growth and development
  • Develop an understanding of the many cultures and family configurations in society as well as an awareness of the racial, ethnic, equity, justice and gender issues facing youth in schools today
  • Develop a sense of professionalism and exhibit high ethical standards in all dealings with colleagues, adults, children and families
  • Develop a knowledge and understanding of the NYS Common Core Curriculum standards