Social and Behavioral Sciences

Associate of Arts

School: Arts Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Dean: TBD

Program Director: Konstadinos Ritsatos,

Support Staff: Virginia Flatley,

Department Office: Academic II, Room 2209B, Phone: 845-574-4346

Degrees Offered:

Associate of Arts (AA): Social and Behavioral Sciences

Program Description:

A degree in social and behavioral sciences examines the theories of social interaction and human behavior. Students will learn to critically examine and analyze historical and current perspectives through the required sociology, psychology, and elective courses this program has to offer.

The Associate of Arts degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences can serve as a stepping stone to a bachelor's degree in psychology, sociology, human services, social work or a variety of other disciplines. It also provides students with a well-rounded education and relational skills that are an entry to many fulfilling career opportunities. A commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice is the cornerstone of this program.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Explain key concepts and fundamental principles in the social and behavioral sciences
  • Describe the methods and research social scientists use to explore social phenomena
  • Apply critical thinking skills in the analysis of global social issues as well as int he career of their choice
  • Recognize how social structures and systems have historically constructed the dynamics of privilege and inequality in society
  • Discuss the social, psychological and historical influences on the growth of individuality and human behavior