Communication Media Arts

Associate of Arts

School: Arts, Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Dean: TBD

Program Director: James Lee,

Support Staff: Amy Frank,

Location: Cultural Arts Center, Room 7112, Phone: 845-574-4268

Degrees Offered:

Program Description:

The program offers theoretical instruction and practical experience in digital media production. In addition, the program provides students with an understanding of the cultural history of mass media. The degree will provide students with a dynamic digital media based program that will attract, motivate and prepare students for a career in the communications field.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a variety of communication skills including oral, written and visual communication for media-production
  • Apply a variety of skills relating to critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving
  • Identify and explain the fundamental concepts and interdisciplinary nature of digital media
  • Apply successful production and post-production skills for digital media