Student Accessibility Services

PHSC is an equal access college and does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. PHSC, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and ADA Amendment Act, makes every reasonable effort to accommodate persons with disabilities. Students requiring any special services or accommodations because of a disability should contact the Student Accessibility Services staff at the PHSC campus most convenient to them to schedule an appointment and complete a Self-Identification and Authorization form. The College requires documentation, based on Student Accessibility Services guidelines, of a student's disability before providing accommodations. More recent documentation must validate the need for services based on the candidate's current level of functioning in the educational setting. A school plan such as an individualized education program (IEP) or a 504 plan is insufficient documentation in and of itself, but can be included as part of a more comprehensive assessment battery. However, Student Accessibility Services staff can determine if this can meet a provisional status for one term. If temporary status is approved, the student will be required to return with documentation to meet Student Accessibility Services guidelines. Confidentiality of student files in Student Accessibility Services is maintained by law.

Guidelines for the documentation of a disability are available online and through the Student Accessibility Services office at any campus. Students requiring accommodations should meet with the Student Accessibility Services staff every term, no later than the first two weeks of class, to discuss their needs and concerns. Those students with hearing- or vision impairments requiring special accommodations related to interpreters or assistive technology must contact Student Accessibility Services at least six weeks in advance of the first class. Failure to provide this notice may result in a delay in services for the student. Dual enrollment students requesting accommodations are required to meet PHSC documentation guidelines, and must go through the same process as non-dual enrollment students.

Students who have a documented disability may be eligible for a reasonable course substitution for any requirement for admission or graduation. Students must be able to document that their failure to meet the requirement is directly related to the disability and that the substitution does not constitute a fundamental alteration in the nature of the program. To initiate the process, students must provide the necessary disability documentation and request a course substitution at a scheduled appointment. A course substitution form should be completed with the ODS staff in consultation with an academic advisor. The appropriate academic dean will review the request and recommend action. If the academic dean recommends approval, the vice president of academic affairs/college provost  must review the request for final approval. Denials of course substitution requests by the dean may be appealed to the vice president of academic affairs/college provost, who will make a final decision about the request. Students will be informed of the course substitution request results in a timely manner.