Crime and Emergency Reporting Policies

Students are encouraged to immediately report any emergency or any known or suspected criminal activity occurring on campus or in connection with any College function to local law enforcement by calling 911 and then the campus Emergency Response Line and report that you have called 911 and what has happened.  The appropriate phone number for each campus is posted in prominent locations including all classrooms.

Emergency Response Line
Campus Number
East (352) 518-1320
North (352) 797-5018
Porter (813) 527-6904
Spring Hill (352) 340-4699
West (727) 816-3451

It is the policy of the College to report all known or suspected criminal activity occurring on campus or in connection with any College function to local law enforcement authorities for investigation and prosecution as appropriate.

Campus Law Enforcement

PHSC does not maintain a campus police department or College law enforcement authority. The College facilities fall within the jurisdiction of local law enforcement officials and any criminal activity occurring at a College facility is referred to local police for investigation and prosecution as appropriate.

Campus Security Officers

The College contracts with a private security firm to provide onsite security on all campuses. Officers patrol the facilities and grounds twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. The security officers are reachable by phone when on duty, and the appropriate phone number for each campus is posted in prominent locations including all classrooms. Call 911 for medical or other emergencies.

Campus Security
Campus Number
East (352) 279-2449
North (352) 523-4993
Porter (727) 247-6331
Spring Hill (352) 279-6474
West (727) 639-5199

Crime Awareness and Prevention Programs

As part of the mandatory new student orientation program, students are given information about crime prevention and specific tips on personal safety and protection from crime. Students also receive instruction about how and where to report suspected criminal activity.

In addition to the orientation program described above, PHSC schedules programs each year for students and employees. These programs address various aspects of crime awareness and prevention, personal safety and information pertaining to drug and alcohol use. These programs vary in length and content; however, crime awareness and prevention topics are always included.