Sexual Misconduct Policy

Manhattanville College is a community of inquiry committed to promoting the free exchange of ideas and to providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for students and employees that recognizes the intrinsic worth and dignity of all individuals.

The College will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of sex or gender by any College employee, student, or third party. Any individual who has been the victim of an act of sexual violence or harassment is urged to make an official report, pursuant to which the College will initiate a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation. This investigative process is designed to provide a fair and reliable determination as to whether the College’s Non-Discrimination and Harassment and Sexual Misconduct policies have been violated. If so, the College will implement a prompt and effective remedy to end the discrimination, prevent its recurrence and address its effects.

The College’s Non-Discrimination and Harassment and Sexual Misconduct policies are not meant to inhibit or prohibit educational content or discussions inside or outside of the classroom that include controversial or sensitive subject matters protected by academic freedom. Academic freedom extends to topics that are pedagogically appropriate and germane to the subject matter of courses or that touch on academic exploration of matters of public concern.

Please refer to the Manhattanville College Policies webpage for the full policy and procedures.

Title IX of the Amendment of 1972 protects people from discrimination based on gender in education programs or activities which receive federal financial assistance. Athletic programs are not the only academic realm governed by Title IX. Title IX applies to all departments, programs and activities, on and off campus, available to students at Manhattanville College in addition to employment. Manhattanville College prohibits and will not tolerate sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking and dating violence upon any member of the community.

Title IX states that:

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance".

Each institution must designate at least one employee to evaluate current policy practices, coordinate college wide educational programming and training to ensure an institution's compliance with Title IX, coordinate efforts to effectively and efficiently respond to complaints of sex discrimination, including complaints of sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking and dating violence and ensure as much as possible that every student has an equal education. If you would like to file a complaint or give notice of a violation of Title IX, please contact one of the following Title IX Committee Members:

Seann Kalagher, J.D., M.S.Ed.
Chief Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator

Reid Castle – Room 230


Sharlise Smith-Rodriguez

Dean of Students

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Reid Castle Room 227


Julene F. Caulfield

Associate Director for Athletics

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Kennedy Gym – Main Floor


Stephanie Carcano

Human Resources Generalist/Benefits

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Chapel Corridor - Room 206


Title IX Inquiries can also be directed to the following email address:

The Title IX Coordinator is formally designated to coordinate the College’s compliance efforts regarding reports of sexual misconduct and discrimination by members of the College Community. The Coordinator will oversee the review, investigation and resolution of all reports under this Policy.

Individuals may also choose to report incidents of prohibited conduct to College employees not specifically designated above. The following is a list of Mandated Reporters who are trained to receive reports or complaints of sexual misconduct:

  • President
  • Senior Officers (Vice Presidents and Upper level administrators)
  • Campus Safety and Security
  • Human Resources Administrators
  • Other Deans, Associate Deans, Directors and Administrators with supervisory responsibilities
  • Academic Department Chairs and Program Directors
  • Coaches including Assistant ADs and Assistant Coaches
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Faculty/Staff advisors to student clubs/organizations
  • Student Affairs professionals
  • Residential Life Para and Professional Staff

All Mandated Reporters are required to report incidents to the College's Title IX Coordinator or designee who will determine the most appropriate course of action to ensure a prompt and equitable response. This legal obligation is based on the Title IX requirement that the College take immediate and corrective action if an employee knows or, in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known about sexual or gender-based harassment or violence.

Pursuant to this Policy, failure to report allegations of sexual misconduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination and/or dismissal from the College.

Filing a Report

Filing a Report 

  • A Complainant has the right, and can expect, to have reports taken seriously by the College when notified, and to have these incidents investigated and adjudicated in an impartial, timely, and thorough manner by individuals who receive annual training in conducting investigations of sexual violence, the effects of trauma and impartiality.


  • Resolution procedures are guided by principles of fairness and respect for all parties.As referenced above, both on-campus and off-campus resources and support are available for both students and employees, whether as Complainants or Respondents, to provide guidance throughout the investigation and resolution of complaints.


  • A Complainant may withdraw a complaint or report from the College at any time, without penalty.


  • All proceedings are conducted in compliance with the requirements of FERPA, the Clery Act, Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act, federal, state and local law, and College policy.


    1. Complainant’s Request Not to Pursue an Investigation


      If a Complainant does not wish for his/her name to be shared, does not wish for an investigation to take place, or does not want a formal resolution to be pursued, the Complainant may make such a request to the Title IX Coordinator or designee, who will evaluate that request in light of the duty to ensure the safety of the campus and comply with federal law. In cases indicating pattern, predation, threat, weapons and/or violence, the College will likely be unable to honor a request for confidentiality.  Where the Complainant requests confidentiality and the circumstances allow the College to honor that request, the College may offer interim supports and remedies to the Complainant and the Community, but will not otherwise pursue formal action.


    2. Privacy in Reporting


      The College is committed to maintaining the privacy of all parties involved and every effort will be made to protect privacy interests in a manner consistent with the need for a thorough review. 


      Information provided to non-confidential campus employees will be relayed only as necessary to assist the Title IX Coordinator or designee in the active review, investigation and/or resolution of the complaint. While not bound by confidentiality, the circle of people with this knowledge will be kept as tight as possible to preserve a Complainant’s and Respondent’s rights and privacy.


    3. Receipt of Notice

      Upon receipt of notice of any allegation of sexual misconduct, the College shall ensure that Complainants are advised of their right to: 

      • “notify proper law enforcement authorities, including on-campus and local police;
      • be assisted by campus authorities in notifying law enforcement authorities if the Complainant so chooses; and
      • decline to notify such authorities.” 20 U.S.C. §1092 (f)(8)(B)(iii)(III)(aa)-(cc).

The College will also inform the Complainant of his/her right to be protected from retaliation for reporting an incident in good faith, even if the report is not later substantiated. 


If a Complainant chooses to file a report with the Harrison Police

Department or any other applicable law enforcement agency, upon request,

the College will assist the Complainant in doing so. Any criminal investigation performed by law enforcement will be separate from the investigation performed by the College. Disciplinary action will normally proceed concurrently with these civil and/or criminal proceedings and will not be subject to challenge on the grounds that civil or criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced. The College may undertake a short delay (several days to weeks) in its investigation or resolution process, to comply with a law enforcement request for cooperation (e.g. to allow for criminal evidence collection) when criminal charges on the basis of the same behaviors that invoke this process are being investigated. This temporary delay should not last more than 10 days except when law enforcement specifically requests and justifies a longer delay. The College will promptly resume its investigation and processes once notified by law enforcement that the initial evidence collection process is complete. 

Transcript Notation Policy

Per New York Education Law Article 129-B, “for crimes of violence, including, but not limited to sexual violence, defined as crimes that meet the reporting requirements pursuant to the federal Clery Act established in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(1)(F)(i)(I)-(VIII), the College shall make a notation on the transcript of students found responsible after a conduct process that they were ‘suspended after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation’ or ‘expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.’ For the Respondent who withdraws from the College while such conduct charges are pending, and declines to complete the disciplinary process, the College shall make a notation on the transcript of such students that they ‘withdrew with conduct charges pending.’” NY Educ. Law § 6444.


See Transcript Notation Policy for formal process.



Appeal’s Process for Seeking Removal of Notation

Any decision of the Conduct Process may be appealed in writing within 48 hours to the Vice President for Student Affairs for cases heard by the Director of Residence Life or Dean of Students. Once an appeal is submitted the appeals officer will determine if a face to face meeting is warranted. An appellate decision for this purpose is defined as having the power to review the conduct findings of another conduct officer. Appellate decisions of the Director of Residence Life, Dean of Students, Vice President for Student Affairs are final, and will be rendered after receiving the appeal.

The appeal form must include the grounds for the appeal as well as the supporting facts and arguments. The following are grounds for an appeal:

  • The conduct process was not in accord with the rules and regulations governing the College’s conduct process, and this deprivation materially affected the decision; and/or
  • The finding of the violation is contradicted by new evidence and would have resulted in a different decision.

On appeal, sanctions can be increased or decreased. If an appeal is heard, the following actions may be taken:

  • Possible modification of the sanction, including increasing the penalty.
  • Ordering reconsideration by the original conduct officer or designee based on:
    • Alleged new evidence – only if the new evidence is of such a nature as to be reasonably likely to change the outcome of the original investigation and was unavailable at the time of the original investigation.
    • Alleged defect in procedure – only if the defect in the original investigation is sufficiently substantial to be reasonably likely to change the outcome.
    • Ordering dismissal of the case where false evidence was presented.


Manhattanville College supports the Sexual Misconduct policy through educational prevention, counseling, and medical support services. Educational programs at Manhattanville College include, but are not limited to, guest speakers, awareness programs, individual counseling, various victim support services and other programs presented by various departments.

Here are on-campus and off-campus support services available for the complainant, respondent, and witnesses

On Campus:

Campus Safety: 1-(914) 323-7233
Counseling Center: 1-(914) 323-5155
Health Center: 1-(914) 323-5245

Off Campus:

Crisis/Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-942—6906
GLBTQ - Domestic Violence Support 1-800-832-1901
GLBTQ - Sexual Assault Support: 1-617-779-2127
Harrison Police Department: 1-914-967-5111
Loft Lesbian & Gay Community Service Center: 1-914-948-2932
Loft Helpline: 1-914-948-4922 ext. 14
My Sister's Place: 1-914-683-1333
National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization/Male Survivor:
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project Hotline: 1-212-714-1141
Planned Parenthood: 1-914-761-6566
Rape Crisis Hotline 24/7: 1-845-452-7272
Title IX Official Website:
Victims Assistance Services: 1-914-345-9111
Westchester Medical Center (FACT): 1-914-493-8671
White Plains Hospital: 1-914-681-1155

Inquiries may be made to the local Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Office:

Region II – New York (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)

Office for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Education

32 Old Slip, 26th Floor

New York, NY 10005-2500

Telephone: (646) 428-3800

Facsimile: (646) 428-3843


Complaints with OCR must be filed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the last act the Complainant believes was discriminatory. There is no time limit for making a report to the College; however, if the Respondent is no longer a student or employee, the College’s authority to pursue disciplinary action may be limited.