Basic Freedoms and Confidentiality

The College wishes to protect the constitutional rights of all its members, including balancing the safety and welfare of all in relation to the rights of the individual.

Freedom in the Classroom

The College encourages and protects the freedom of discussion and expression of views. The student has the right to fair academic evaluation.

Freedom of Association

Organizations may be established within the College for any legal purpose, whether religious, political, educational, economic or social. Membership in any College-based organization is open to any member of the College who is willing to subscribe to the stated aims of the organization and to meet its stated obligations. The College prohibits against National Sorority and Fraternities, NPHC. The College may require as a condition of access to College funds, the names and addresses of officers. Under reasonable conditions, the College will assign College facilities to student organizations for regular business meetings, social functions and programs open to the public as space is available. The allocation of funds to student organizations will be in accordance with Student Government rules concerning chartering and funding.

Use of College Name

Individuals or organizations may use the name “Manhattanville” except where that use involves legal or financial commitment of the College and, except as qualified below, only when such organization or individual has been officially chartered and when the terms of chartering or recognition include such use of the name and/or logo. College approval of the use of the name or logo before any individual, group or organization without prior authorization by Student Government and the Vice President for Student Affairs councilmay not be stated or implied by any individual, group or organization. The President of the College or General Counsel can authorize use of the name Manhattanville if appropriate.


The student press is not to be censored; its editors, writers, and managers may not be arbitrarily suspended or suffer any other recrimination because of disapproval of editorial policy or content. In addition, anyone who inhibits or prevents the distribution of the student press through the removal of the publication from recognized distribution points will be dealt with under the terms described for “Theft”.


Manhattanville College is committed to the basic rights of free speech and press and at the same time affirms the obligation of all members of the College both to maintain an atmosphere conducive to the educational purposes of the College and to respect the rights and privileges of all individuals.

Members of the College who intend to publish statements or to speak publicly should consider carefully the effects of their statements on the sensitivities of other individual or groups.

The College holds discussions in an open forum, which allows members of the community to express issues of shared concern. The distribution of signed statements, publications and petitions is welcome unless they disrupt, based upon the principles of time, place, and manner, the regular and essential operations of the College, or infringe on the rights of others. Any organization on campus is free to invite speakers its members wish to hear on campus. The presence of speakers or the existence of any publication issued by an individual or group of the College does not necessarily imply the College’s support of the view expressed.

Public Order

Students have the right to protest and to demonstrate peacefully. Free expression and peaceful dissent can proceed only in a free environment; there is not freedom in coercion, violence or disruption. Coercion and disruption are unacceptable because they deprive members of the community of their rights. The College will take prompt and appropriate action including legal action, to enjoin any disruptive, coercive or violent activity.

Participation in Decision-Making

Students are free to express their views appropriately on issues of institutional policy and on matters of general interest to the student body through student policy and on matters of general interest to the student body through undergraduate Student Government and its committees, appropriate graduate channels, and ad hoc representatives on committees of the College.

Privacy Rights

Privacy is essential to individuals and to community living. To the extent permitted by law, the College will protect the right of privacy of its students.

Policies Governing Confidentiality

  1. Manhattanville College respects the privacy and confidentiality of its students. It believes that the educational venture on which its students have embarked is best furthered by the development of individual responsibility and independent decision-making. The right to confidentiality is crucial to the development of these characteristics. The College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which can be found under the Office of the Registrar | Manhattanville College web page. Students may issue confidentiality waivers to identify parties that can have access to their educational records by accessing their secure WebAdvisor account and choosing the “Maintain FERPA information” link on the Student menu.
  2. Officers of the College and employees involved with the students’ records are not permitted to release those records to other persons except as specified in FERPA. Students may inspect and review their education records upon request to the appropriate record custodian and in accordance with the procedures outlined below.
  3. The College does not mail grade reports. Students may view grades within their WebAdvisor account.
  4. Except as required by law, the College does not release information about disciplinary action to third parties (other than parents/guardians) unless permission is given by the student or is required in a recommendation sent by a student to the College (for example with a transfer application). The College may disclose the results of disciplinary proceedings to the victim.
  5. The College reserves the right to send copies of letters of an undergraduate dismissal, suspension, and residence hall suspension, academic or disciplinary actions to the student’s parent or designated guardian.
  6. The College’s Health and Counseling Services observe the traditional guarantees of confidentiality necessary to the physician/patient relationship.
  7. The College reserves the right to contact a parent, spouse, guardian, or emergency contact designee in the event of an emergency or important situation.
  8. The College acknowledges the student’s right to withdraw any previously given confidentiality waivers at any time. This is also done by accessing WebAdvisor and choosing the “Maintain FERPA information” link.
    1. The College may disclose student records to a third party without obtaining the student’s consent if the student has provided written consent to a third party. A copy of such consent MUST is presented to the College.
    2. Manhattanville will comply with subpoenas regarding student records in accordance with relevant law.