Controlled Substance Policy

Manhattanville College is deeply concerned about controlled substance use by all students in our community. The College regards controlled substance use as a problem that has the potential to affect the entire community. Possession, use, distribution, manufacture or sale of illegally controlled substances, or use of legally controlled substances without explicit and current prescription from one’s own medical doctor or nurse practitioner, or from Manhattanville College’s Health Center, is prohibited. The possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited. Such items may include: rolling papers, scales, grinders, bongs, as well as any item used in conjunction with an illegal substance. Any student found selling, admitting to selling currently or in the past, or distributing any form of illegal drugs, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia, on or off campus, may be expelled and may also face criminal liability. Distribution also includes the sharing in any way of legally controlled substances.

The College stands firm against the use of controlled substance and does not provide students with a haven from the law. Anyone found using or possessing a controlled substance is subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Law enforcement personnel may be involved at the invitation of the College. Room searches and Brownson Hall locker searches may be conducted by the College with the approval of the Director of Residence Life and Conference Services, the Dean of Students, Campus Safety, or designee.

Students who are identified as having an alcohol and/or a drug problem may be required to resolve their problems with a professional counselor on or off campus. The Dean of Students, Director of Residence Life and Conference Services or designee may notify the parents or guardian of an undergraduate student’s alcohol and/or drug problem. In some cases, a student may be required to withdraw from the College and will not be permitted to return until successful resolution of the problem is documented to the satisfaction of the College.

Violation of this policy during educational activities off-campus, including but not limited to student or supervised teaching, internships, practica, and course meetings, and violations including actions that negatively impact the health and safety of minors will result in College sanctions appropriate to the situation and will not protect students from arrest or prosecution for illegal involvement with alcohol or drugs by civil authorities.