Developmental Courses

The following policy mandated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board applies to all of the developmental courses except English as a Second Language: Students who have failed a portion of the TSI test must immediately enroll in a developmental course(s) in at least one of the areas not satisfied. An exception may allow students to defer remediation until they earn nine or more college hours. However, students cannot register for college level courses in which they have not met the basics skills prerequisite. The Provost/Vice-President of Academic Affairs or designee must approve developmental courses/programs.

The following is a listing of developmental courses:

INRW 0374Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW)


INRW 0375Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW)


INRW 0376Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW)


MATH 0301Self-Paced Developmental Mathematics


MATH 0304Self-Paced Intermediate Algebra


MATH 0375 / 0376 ComboDevelopmental Mathematics / Intermediate Algebra


MATH 0456Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning