Communication Flow


Department Chair


  • Relays to the Dean a faculty member's written report of professional meetings attended
  • Is contacted by the faculty member who, because of illness or other reasons, is unable to meet classes
  • Grants permission to take make-up final examinations to students absent from the examination for legitimate reasons
  • Receives all proposals for curriculum revision to be relayed to the Curriculum Committee
  • Is responsible to ensure all textbook orders from the department members have been relayed to the Campus Shop Manager
  • Receives from the faculty member and relays to the Registrar any necessary change of grade to be made on the permanent record of a student
  • Receives and relays to the librarian requests for library book purchases (or may authorize librarian to accept a request from a member of his/her department)
  • Receives from the department member a statement of professional activities to be included in the Chair's annual departmental report in May

Dean of School or College


  • Grants permission for attendance at professional meetings, requested in advance, and receives a written report on such meeting
  • Receives a statement of office hours from faculty members
  • In consort with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the departments in his/her unit, the Dean will communicate with faculty and administration on matters for which the Dean is responsible.
  • Determines faculty eligibility for post-probationary faculty development support. Faculty will be identified as eligible based on satisfactory performance, as evidenced in annual evaluations (Unit IIIs) over the previous three years and indicated in post-probationary mid-point reviews (Unit Vs) completed over the past four years. Faculty may be identified as ineligible for post-probationary faculty development supports based on unsatisfactory performance, as evidenced in an annual evaluation (Unit III) over the previous three years and indicated in a post-probationary mid-point review (Unit V) completed over the past four years. Any assessment of unsatisfactory performance must be unambiguously stated in written evaluations (Unit III and V).

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Receives from the faculty member a report of an alleged honor code violation.
  • Plans and coordinates Campus Conversations through efforts by the Assistant Provost/ Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning in collaboration with the Chair of Academic Council. These monthly meetings are held September through May in each academic year. Open to faculty and administrators, sessions are intended to prompt discussion about questions and initiatives related to the academic priorities of the University, often related to teaching and the learning environment on campus. Campus Conversation meetings are generally held on Friday afternoons.
  • Receives requests for Faculty Forums. Faculty Forums provide an opportunity for faculty and staff to discuss issues of mutual interest. A forum is defined as a public meeting with free and open discussion. These meetings are scheduled as often as requested throughout the academic year.