Completion of Annual Evaluations and Reports




  • Each Department Chair or Program Director must complete an End-Of-Year Report detailing the unit’s progress during the previous academic year and plans for the upcoming academic year. End-Of-Year Reports are due June 20th of each year. This report should be submitted electronically to the appropriate Dean’s office and the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
  • Annual Report on Assessment Progress (ARAP). Faculty for academic programs leading to a degree are required to: specify intended learning outcomes for graduates of the program, collect evidence of student performance for each outcome according to the department’s plan, and report results in a manner that is systematic and ongoing. This activity is one of the methods used to place student learning at the center of discussions about curricular effectiveness and improvement. 

Department Chairs or program coordinators are responsible for documenting this activity in an assessment report each year. This report must identify the following: 

  •  the outcome(s) represented by the report, 
  • a description of the evidence collected and reviewed to evaluate the extent to which students are achieving an outcome, 
  • the adjustments made based on this evidence, and 
  • an update indicating the effect of the adjustments.

Documenting assessment activity may be delegated to program faculty but Chairs/Coordinators are responsible for ensuring this report is submitted each year. 

These reports should be reviewed by the appropriate Dean and the Provost Office, or designee. The reports are used by the university to document curricular effectiveness and improvement for Elon’s institutional accreditor and program accreditors. Reports are due on September 15 for the prior academic year. The Provost may adjust the due as necessary with appropriate advanced notice.