Department Chair


  • Relays to the Dean a faculty member's written report of professional meetings attended
  • Is contacted by the faculty member who, because of illness or other reasons, is unable to meet classes
  • Grants permission to take make-up final examinations to students absent from the examination for legitimate reasons
  • Receives all proposals for curriculum revision to be relayed to the Curriculum Committee
  • Is responsible to ensure all textbook orders from the department members have been relayed to the Campus Shop Manager
  • Receives from the faculty member and relays to the Registrar any necessary change of grade to be made on the permanent record of a student
  • Receives and relays to the librarian requests for library book purchases (or may authorize librarian to accept a request from a member of his/her department)
  • Receives from the department member a statement of professional activities to be included in the Chair's annual departmental report in May