Public Health

Associate of Science

School: Nursing, Health and Wellness

Dean: TBD

Program Director: TBD

Support Staff: TBD

Location: Technology Center, Room 8210, Phone: 845-574-4222

Degrees Offered:

Program Description:

Public health professionals work within a variety of settings, including state and local health departments, hospitals, workplace wellness programs, government agencies, educational institutions, research organizations, and international development agencies. The two-year Associate in Science (AS) degree in designed specifically for students to transfer to the appropriate upper-level college or university of their choice, where they can complete a bachelor's degree in public health or a related field of study. The curriculum includes core courses in public health along with those general education requirements that would be included in the first two years of study at a four-year institution. A Public Health degree may be a great option for students who are interested in a healthcare career, but many are not drawn to a profession of direct patient care. This program will help students build a broad base of healthcare knowledge and introduce them to a variety of healthcare careers.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Define public health and related roles and responsibilities of government, non-government agencies, and private organizations
  • Describe risk factors and modes of transmission for infectious and chronic diseases and how these diseases affect both personal and population health
  • List the leading causes of mortality, morbidity, and health disparities among local, regional, and global populations
  • Discuss the role of gender, race, ethnicity, and other evolving demographics in affecting population health
  • Discuss major local, national, and global health challenges
  • Describe how the methods of epidemiology and surveillance are used to safeguard the population's health
  • Communicate health information to a wide range of audiences through an array of media
  • Conduct a literature search on a health issue using a variety of academic and public resources
  • Recognize the impact of policies, laws, and legislation on both individual and population health
  • Analyze ethical concerns and conflicts of interest that arise in the field of public health