
Associate of Science

Associate of Applied Science


School: Business and Professional Studies

Dean: Dr. George Repic, george.repic@sunyrockland.edu 

Program Director: Dr. Sugeily Rodriguez, sugeily.rodriguez@sunyrockland.edu

Support Staff: Christina Best, christina.best@sunyrockland.edu;

Location: Academic II, Room 2350, Phone: 845-574-4330

Degrees Offered:

Program Description:

A degree in Entrepreneurship provides students with a solid broad-based foundation in business, accounting, marketing and other related areas. The program will instill an appreciation and awareness of the racial, ethnic and gender issues in today’s business world, enhance the student’s personal and professional development, and encourage active informed citizenship and leadership.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Analyze customer groups and develop a plan to identify, reach, and keep customers in a specific target market.
  • Analyze the effect of cultural differences, export/import opportunities, and trends on an entrepreneurial venture in the global marketplace.
  • Use the financial concepts and tools needed by the entrepreneur in making business decisions.
  • Develop a business plan.
  • Utilize information and technology tools to conduct business effectively and efficiently.