Student Catalog 2016-2017

Surgical Technology Diploma (ST12)

The Surgical Technology diploma program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in the surgical field. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in surgical technology.

NOTE: Once students have completed the selection process and have been accepted into the Surgical Technology program, they will be required to purchase all textbooks for the program during their first semester. (Information regarding costs can be found on the West Georgia Technical College website.)

Career Opportunities

Graduates may find employment as surgical technologists in hospitals, operating rooms, physicians’ offices, emergency rooms, ambulatory/day surgery centers, central supply and management roles.

Competitive Selection Process

Surgical Technology Preparatory/Core courses

The annual competitive selection deadline is June 1. To be eligible for the Surgical Technology program selection, the student must complete the following requirements by the applicable deadline.

The student must complete the following courses with a minimum grade of C: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, ENGL 1010, MATH 1012, and PSYC 1010.

Surgical Technology Competitive Selection

In addition to completion of the core courses listed above, the Surgical Technology program requires students in competitive selection to complete the Psychological Service Bureau (PSB) Health Occupations Aptitude Examination, Edition 3. Please refer to the Admissions section of this catalog for details of the Competitive Selection Process applicant requirements and scoring method. Additional information is also available on the ST program web page.

Students ranked with the highest overall scores for required course completion and PSB Exam will be selected for program admission.

Surgical Technology Occupational and Clinical Courses

Students selected for admission to the Surgical Technology program will complete the occupational and clinical program courses in a prescribed sequence as a cohort. A class is admitted beginning each fall semester.

Credit Required for Graduation: Minimum of 57 credit hours


Basic Skills Courses

ENGL 1010Fundamentals of English I


MATH 1012Foundations of Mathematics


PSYC 1010Basic Psychology


Occupational Courses

ALHS 1011Structure and Function of the Human Body


ALHS 1090Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences


SURG 1010Introduction to Surgical Technology


SURG 1020Principles of Surgical Technology


SURG 1080Surgical Microbiology


SURG 1100Surgical Pharmacology


SURG 2030Surgical Procedures I


SURG 2040Surgical Procedures II


SURG 2110Surgical Technology Clinical I


SURG 2120Surgical Technology Clinical II


SURG 2130Surgical Technology Clinical III


SURG 2140Surgical Technology Clinical IV


SURG 2240Seminar in Surgical Technology