Student Catalog 2016-2017

School of Business and Public Services


Accounting AAS Degree (AC13)

Accounting Diploma (AC12)

Computerized Accounting Specialist Certificate (CAY1)

Office Accounting Specialist Certificate (OA31)

Payroll Accounting Specialist Certificate (PA61)

Tax Preparation Specialist Certificate (TPS1)

Business Management

Business Management AAS Degree (MD13)

Business Management Diploma (MD12)

Hospitality Operations Associate TCC (HP31)

Human Resource Management Specialist Certificate (HRM1)

Service Sector Management Specialist Certificate (SSM1)

Business Technology

Business Healthcare Technology Degree (BHT3)

Business Healthcare Technology Diploma (BHT2)

Healthcare Billing and Reimbursement Assistant Certificate (HBA1)

Business Technology Degree (BA23)

Business Technology Diploma (BA22)

Administrative Support Assistant Certificate (AS21)

Medical Billing Clerk Certificate (MB21)

Microsoft Excel Application User Certificate (ME51)

Microsoft Office Applications Professional Certificate (MF41)

Microsoft Word Application Professional Certificate (MWA1)

Technical Specialist Certificate (TC31)

Computer Information Systems

Computer Programming AAS Degree (CP23)

Computer Support Specialist AAS Degree (CS23)

Networking Specialist AAS Degree (NS13)

Computer Support Specialist Diploma (CS14)

Networking Specialist Diploma (NS14)

Animation and Game Design Specialist Certificate (AAG1)

Game Development Certificate Specialist (GDS1)

Help Desk Specialist Certificate (HD41)

PC Repair and Network Technician Certificate (PR21)

Cosmetology, Barbering, and Esthetician

Barber II (BI31)

Cosmetology Diploma (CO12)

Esthetician Certificate (CE11)

Shampoo Technician Certificate (ST11)

Criminal Justice

AS Degree in Criminal Justice (AJ13)

Criminal Justice Technology AAS Degree (CJT3)

Criminal Justice Technology Diploma (CJT2)

Crime Scene Fundamentals Certificate (CZ31)

Criminal Justice Fundamentals Certificate (CJ71)

Culinary Arts

Culinary Arts AAS Degree (CA43)

Culinary Arts Diploma (CA44)

Baking and Pastry Specialist Certificate (BA51)

Catering Specialist Certificate (CS61)

Food Production Worker I Certificate (FPW1)

Prep Cook Certificate (PC51)

Restaurant Operations Certificate (RPS1)

Early Childhood Care and Education

Early Childhood Care and Education AAS Degree (EC13)

Early Childhood Care and Education Diploma (ECC2)

Child Development Specialist Certificate (CD61)

Early Childhood Care and Education Basics Certificate (EC31)

Infant and Toddler Child Care Specialist Certificate (IC31)

General Business

AS Degree in General Business (AF23)

Marketing Management

Marketing Management AAS Degree (MM13)

Marketing Management Diploma (MM12)

Small Business Marketing Manager Certificate (SB41)