Student Catalog 2016-2017

Course Descriptions

The instructional course categories are general core courses, occupational courses, and elective courses.

General Education courses –Common to many majors, general education courses include English or language arts, speech communications, humanities/fine arts, social or behavioral sciences, mathematics and science.

Occupational courses –These courses are intended to develop skills and related knowledge for job performance and are part of the course sequence of an occupational program offered by the College. They are designed primarily for job preparation and/or upgrading and not for general education purposes.

Elective courses –The administration of the College, the program faculty, and the program advisory committee cooperate in establishing and utilizing a system to recommend needed and feasible elective courses; advisors will determine the appropriateness of a student’s choice of elective courses. The admissions requirements and prerequisites for the elective course must be met.

Practicum/Clinical/Internship –These supervised work experience activities require the application of occupational competencies. Activities include supervised educational work experiences, internships, practicums, and other specialized and/or innovative learning arrangements.

Prerequisite –Prerequisite courses are required prior to taking another course or a more advanced course. Other prerequisites may be required or necessary as a prior condition, such as placement scores or program admission.

Corequisite –Corequisite courses are required to be taken during the same semester as another; they require simultaneous enrollment.

General education, occupational, practicums/clinicals, and elective courses are specified in individual program descriptions in a previous section of this catalog. Prerequisites and corequisites for each course are listed in the following section of course descriptions.

NOTE: To meet academic requirements, a minimum grade of C is required for all occupational courses, including program-specific electives, and for any general education course that is a prerequisite for a subsequent course.