Student Catalog 2016-2017

Work Ethics Procedures

The Technical College System of Georgia and WGTC believe it is extremely important to identify, evaluate, and encourage good work habits as an integral part of the instructional program. Therefore, a system to evaluate “work ethics” in each course has been developed. Work ethics grades (3, 2, 1, 0) are earned in each completed credit hour course and are included on the student’s permanent record and transcript.


The following work ethics characteristics are emphasized:

1. Attendance 6. Productivity
2. Character 7. Organizational Skills
3. Teamwork 8. Communication
4. Appearance 9. Cooperation
5. Attitude 10. Respect

Throughout the semester consistent emphasis is given to each of these characteristics or traits. Periodic presentation by each instructor is provided through a brief lesson, exercise, or activity featuring the trait which may be introduced in classes or labs.


Work Ethics grading is performed “by exception” indicating that the majority of students receive a work ethics grade of 2 (meeting expectations). Instructors record a grade for students who display either poor work ethics or exceptional work ethics behaviors by adding to or subtracting points from the grading of the respective work ethics trait. Instructors must document work ethics performance of all students and provide a plan of improvement and a review date for those students who display poor work ethics. The follow-up review date provides an opportunity to re-evaluate performance before a final work ethics grade is assigned.

There are two formal reports—the Mid-Semester Report, a progress report given to those students who need an opportunity to improve, and the Final Report, a semester work ethics grade to be displayed on the student’s academic record.

Evaluation Process:

3 points = Exceeds expectations

2 points = Meets expectations

1 points = Needs improvement

0 points = Unacceptable

NOTE: The work ethics credits do not count toward graduation requirements or in calculating eligibility for financial aid but may affect employment opportunities.

Excused Absences

No points are deducted from the attendance portion of the work ethics report if the student must be absent under any of the following conditions and follows the outlined procedures:

  1. Jury duty (prior notification of instructor with written proof).
  2. Death of immediate family member (mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, or child; notify instructor during the first day of absence with maximum of three days excused).
  3. Court summons (prior notification of instructor with written proof).
  4. Military duty (prior notification of instructor with written proof).
  5. Job interview (prior approval of instructor and a job interview verification form to be signed by the employer—may be obtained from the job placement specialist).
  6. Doctor's official work/school release form (completed and signed by attending physician and provided for the instructor the first day of return; a maximum of three days in a given semester will be excused for medical reasons, but only with proper documentation).

NOTE: Students are expected to follow individual instructors’ make-up policies, and the excused absences outlined above are only considered when assessing your attendance grade for work ethics. The absences are still counted as part of the total allowable 20% of course absences. Absences above 20% of the total number of course meetings will result in the student‘s withdrawal from the course unless prior approval is given for extenuating circumstances. (See individual course syllabi for attendance guidelines for Health Sciences programs and for online or hybrid courses.)