Student Catalog 2016-2017


Students are expected to attend each scheduled class. Absences and tardies will become a part of the student’s record through the work ethics grade (detailed in the catalog section on Work Ethics Procedures). It is recognized that there may be times when a student will not be able to attend class. In such cases, it is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor concerning the availability and completion of making up work missed. All make-up work will be at the discretion of the instructor, under the guidelines of the work ethics policy and procedures and consistent with classroom procedures established in the course syllabus.

Students receiving financial aid (especially Pell, WIA, or VA) should be aware that absences could jeopardize their financial aid funding and satisfactory academic progress. Students may not receive financial aid funds if they do not meet the attendance requirements of the financial aid agency.

A student will be dropped from a course in which the number of his or her absences, whether excused or unexcused, exceeds 20 percent of the total number of course meetings in the semester unless prior approval is given for extenuating circumstances, according to the following guidelines:

Fall and Spring Semester
Number of course meetings per week Will be dropped if absences exceed
1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
Summer Semester
Number of course meetings per week Will be dropped if absences exceed
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8

If there are extenuating circumstances, the teacher's discretion will be considered in the final decision for an exception. The grade of withdraw passing (WP) or withdraw failing (WF) will be assigned after the withdrawal date of the semester. The grade of WP is given only to students with extenuating circumstances.

Health Sciences programs and all courses with a significant virtual learning component have attendance guidelines specific to those methods of instructional delivery. These guidelines will be detailed in individual course syllabi and in program handbooks in these program areas.

Online Courses: Online students must complete an academically related activity each week to be considered active. Simply logging into class is not considered active. Academically related activities include, but are not limited to, submitting an academic assignment; taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction; participating in an online discussion about academic matters. A student will be dropped from an online courses if his/her absences exceed 20 percent of the number of weeks allocated for the course (absences do not have to be consecutive).

Hybrid Courses: Absences in hybrid courses may not exceed 20 percent of scheduled on-campus classes or 20 percent of the total contact hours for the course.