OMED 8452 Research Elective Clerkship

This four-week experience is designed to provide experiential learning in research under the direct supervision of a designated research mentor. With the guidance of the mentor, students will develop a hypothesis and research proposal to address it. If the research mentor is not UIWSOM faculty, they must be credentialed with the UIWSOM Credentials Committee. Students must receive advance approval to participate in this elective clerkship. The student may pursue research in an area of their interest or continue a project started previously. Given the short duration of the elective clerkship, the student should seek labs with compliance regulations already satisfied (e.g, animal care [IACUC] or human subjects [IRB] approvals). Preparation of an IACUC or IRB application is not considered a satisfactory way to use this elective clerkship. The setting will depend upon the student project and the location of the mentor and can include, but is not restricted to, wet or bench lab work in a research laboratory, clinical research in a clinic or hospital, data analysis at a location remote from the site of data acquisition, and database analyses. The goal is for the student to produce a scholarly product (abstract or manuscript) worthy of presentation at a local or national meeting or conference. The overall learning goals are to provide the learner a foundation in research approaches directed to advancing knowledge in any of the UIWSOM Core Competencies.
