School of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities brings together the artistic and humanistic disciplines at the Universidad de los Andes and aims to train artists, art historians, writers, musicians and journalists who are conscious, sensitive, imaginative and creative.
The Faculty's programs promote academic rigor, critical reflection, and the development of techniques and skills specific to the different areas, so that students explore ways of expressing themselves with responsibility and originality.
The Faculty participates extensively in the Uniandino Basic Cycle (CBU) and designs general courses on literature, humanities, journalism and art and music history, which contribute to the general education of the University's students.
The Faculty also offers and coordinates extracurricular activities open to all students of the University, as areas of development of their artistic expression. These include the Teatro Estudio de Los Andes, which has initiated professional groups, directors and actors of recognized experience; the Choir of the University of Los Andes, a group with more than 50 years of existence, which has participated in numerous national and international choral events and whose repertoire includes a cappella and symphonic-choral music of different genres and styles, from the 16th century to the present; the Chamber Choir, a small-format choral group that also serves as a laboratory for students of Choral Conducting; and the Ensamble de Exploración Vocal de Los Andes (EEVA), which promotes improvisation and collective creation of contemporary vocal music.
Additionally, the Music Department offers the Children and Youth Musical Training Program, aimed at children from 6 years old and young people up to 16 years old, whose main objective is to provide the student with a solid training that allows them to begin performing and acquire the fundamentals of musical language.
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities, created in 1997, is made up of the departments of Art, Art History, Humanities and Literature, Music and the Center for Journalism Studies (CEPER).
Research and creation play a key role in the development of the Faculty's undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and are managed, funded and disseminated through the Research and Creation Committee (CIC). Aware of the diverse nature of the disciplines grouped together in the Faculty, as well as their specificity in terms of the type of research, this committee takes into account the different forms of intellectual and artistic production, as well as their respective evaluation and assessment.
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities has specialized spaces for learning, organized as follows:
Art Department:
- Virtual forest, MAC computer laboratory.
- Audio-visual equipment center.
- Documentation Center - Image Bank.
- Workshops on painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, engraving, silkscreen printing, lithography, electronic media and intermedial expression.
- Photography laboratory.
- Project room.
Music Department:
- Electroacoustics laboratory.
- MIDI Laboratory.
- Auditory training laboratory.
- Individual training laboratory.
- Recording studios.
- Music room with two grand pianos and a harpsichord.
- Classrooms equipped with pianos.
- Individual study rooms.
- Symphonic percussion instruments, drums and string instruments.
- Additionally, the Ernesto Martin Music Hall has a constant calendar of recitals, concerts and conferences.
Bibliographic resources
The Ramón de Zubiría General Library has extensive collections in the different areas of knowledge that are related to the arts and humanities.
Department of Art and Department of Art History:
- Extensive collection of resources in the Library: books, magazines, videos (movies and documentaries).
- Virtual reference resources such as Art Abstracts International, Rhizome and Art Full Text, Bibliography of the History of Art and Artstor, among others.
Department of Humanities and Literature:
- Extensive collection of titles on literature, theory and literary criticism.
- Online databases for consultation, including ISI, MLA, Jstor, Poiesis, Project Muse, Hapi Online, The Literary Encyclopedia, e-brary and e-libro.
Music Department:
- Collection of books, audio discs (CD and analog), music videos on DVD and Blu-ray (concerts, operas, jazz concerts, music documentaries) and sheet music.
- Electronic resources such as the Grove Dictionary, with sections on Jazz, Opera and Music OnLine.