Student Handbook

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards: A student must make successful progress toward the completion of his/her program of study in order to continue receiving federal financial aid. The University has set standards in the areas of grade point average and cumulative credits earned within an established time frame as a measure of satisfactory progress for financial aid.

  1. Grade Point Average – The table below provides an explanation of the grade point average standard and the timing of the student’s SAP calculation.
  2. Career Level Cumulative GPA Timing of Calculation
    Undergraduate 2.000 Calculated after each term
    Graduate 3.000 Calculated after each term
    JWMI 2.500 Calculated after each term
  3. Pace of Completion – The pace of completion (“pace”) measures the rate of progress toward the degree, based on how many credits were successfully completed out of all credits attempted at a given career level. A successful attempt is defined as a course in which a passing grade is earned, as defined in the University catalog under “Degree Conferral Requirements”. All other grades earned are unsuccessful attempts. Please note that all credits attempted at a given career level (i.e., undergraduate or graduate) are included in the calculation, even if the attempted credit/course was not funded by federal student aid.
Grades Status Details
Incomplete Grades Incomplete grades are not included in either the GPA or the pace of completion standards. Upon receipt of an incomplete grade, students must sign a completion agreement with the Professor for the course and will have one quarter to complete the coursework. If the coursework is completed, then the student receives the grade earned. If the coursework is not completed the “I” becomes an administrative “F” (“F*”). The “F*” grade then becomes permanent as described in the Strayer University Catalog under “Policies and Procedures – Incomplete Grade Policy.”
Repeated Grades For repeated grades, the student’s higher grade earned in the repeated course is included in the calculation of the grade point standard. All courses attempted are included in calculation of the pace of completion standard. Students may repeat a course a limited number of times, as described in the Strayer University Catalog under “Policies and Procedures – Repeating Courses.”
090 Courses Remedial courses such as 090 courses are not included in the calculation of either standard. Remedial courses are assessed separately, using the standards and requirements described in the Strayed University Catalog under “Policies and Procedures – Developmental Education Requirements.”
Failing Grades Grades of “F” and “F*” are included in the calculation of both standards.
Withdrawals A “WF” is included in both standards. A “WP” is included in the pace standard but it is not included in the grade point standard. A “W” is not included in the calculation of either standard. The standards and requirements for the treatment of Withdrawals are described in the Strayer University Catalog under “Policies and Procedures – Withdrawals.”
“X”, “IP”, and “NS” Grades Explanations on a transcript such as “X” for audited courses, “IP” for courses in which a grade is not posted are not included in the calculation of the grade point standard. Explanations on a transcript such as “X” for audited courses and “IP” for courses in which a grade is not posted may be included in the calculation of the pace standard depending on the withdrawal date. Grades of “NS” for courses in which a student never attends are not included in either standard.
Undergraduate Prerequisites for Graduate Coursework Undergraduate coursework required for a Graduate course is not factored into either standard. Such undergraduate coursework is assessed separately, using the standards and requirements described in the Strayer University Catalog under “Admission Classifications-Graduate.”