Student Handbook

Process for Withdrawing from a course(s)

If a new or continuing student requests to withdraw from a course(s), the following procedures must be followed for ALL students:

  • The student must submit a "Withdrawal Request" via Self-Service in iCampus.
  • The student will login to iCampus; under the “Assignments & Academic Support ” menu select “Help Tickets ” option. To submit a withdrawal request, select the Category, Type, Detail, and Withdrawal Reason. Select the term from which you are requesting to be withdrawn. Complete the withdrawal request by adding the course(s) to be withdrawn from in the Problem Summary area and provide any additional information in the Problem Details box. Then save and submit the request.
  • Students will receive an automated response to reflect that the request has been received. Please be advised, this request DOES NOT withdraw students from courses or program. Students must contact their home campus to discuss potential financial and academic ramifications due to the decision to withdraw.
  • The student is encouraged to receive both financial and academic counseling prior to completing the request for withdrawal because it is important for students to fully understand the academic and financial consequences of a decision to withdraw.
  • For students receiving financial aid, the University may be required to return funds to the federal financial aid programs when a student fully withdraws from the University (withdraws from all classes). If the amount returned on the student’s behalf is greater than the amount he/she would receive under the University’s refund policies, the student will be billed by the University for the difference. More information can be found at under "Tuition & Financial Aid."
  • For students receiving military tuition assistance (TA), the University may be required to return funds to the appropriate Service when a student fully withdraws from the University (withdraws from all classes). Strayer will work with the student to identify solutions that will not result in a student debt for the portion of TA that is returned to the Service.