Criminal Justice

Associate of Science

School: Business and Professional Studies

Dean: Dr. George Repic, 

Program Director: Patricia Szobonya, 

Support Staff: TBD

Location: Academic II, Room 2350, Phone: 845-574-4731

Degrees Offered:

Program Description:

The goal of the Criminal Justice program is to provide students with an accessible, responsive learning environment that facilitates the achievement of educational, professional, and personal goals in the area of law enforcement. The program will provide a foundation in police, courts, and corrections. Through offering quality higher education and training in an atmosphere that embraces academic excellence, diversity and innovation students will improve skills in attention to detail, critical thinking, investigation, problem-solving and communication.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Identify the various facets of the United States Criminal Justice system in today's global society
  • Develop a variety of skills related to the core concepts in Criminal Justice including critical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving skills
  • Evaluate the impact of diversity in the Criminal Justice system
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key legal concepts and/or U.S. Supreme Court decisions that are the foundation of our criminal justice system
  • Examine the importance of ethics and ethical behavior in achievement of justice

The Pre-Employment Program:

Are you interested in a career in law enforcement? There is a way to compete for an opportunity to attend the Rockland County Police Academy. It is called Pre-Employment. This is where you apply to the Police Academy and if you pass their rigorous requirements you are allowed to register for RCC's Pre-Employment Program. You must pay your own way to attend the Police Academy. The cost is approximately thirty-five hundred dollars for the five month long non-residential police academy. You will not be certified as a law enforcement officer, but it will give you a competitive edge against other people trying to enter this highly competitive field. You will also be eligible to earn 12 credits towards the Criminal Justice A.S. degree. If you would like more information, please contact Dr. Kevin Barrett at