Bonfires and campfires

No unauthorized open burning is permitted on campus or any other college owned tract or property. (This restriction does not apply to the use of the small permanently affixed charcoal grills located in various places on campus).

Bonfire/Campfire requests should be made to Facility Services. Burning on campus is by permit only and must be coordinated under the supervision of Facilities Services and the Public Safety Department.

Open burning may only occur in those designated areas deemed appropriate for such burning. Abandoned or unmonitored open burning is prohibited. All small fire type events must be monitored until the event ends and the fire is completely extinguished.

There may be times when the town of Needham will prohibit open burning due to extremely dry and/or dangerous fire conditions. Upon such notification, bonfire or campfire events will be prohibited for the duration of the ban period. The fire department may have additional constraints including but not limited: the fire’s proximity to other structures, the types of materials that can be used to start the fire, and the location of the fire to a fire hydrant or water source.

Facilities services and Public Safety may cancel any scheduled bonfire or campfire based upon any and/or all of the following conditions: inclement or adverse weather conditions, previously unscheduled college events or activities, new concerns about the safety of the event.

Requests for bonfires require a minimum 30 days prior notice to the date of the event and campfires require a minimum 14 days notice. Organizations sponsoring the event will be responsible for paying for permits, fire detail, materials used and labor to prepare and manage the bonfire/campfire.