Posting: Signs, posters, and sidewalk chalk

Posters, flyers, and other modes of expression in public spaces are an important mode of expression and communication in a vibrant campus community. Posted and publicly displayed materials must be consistent with the values of the Honor Code, and, as such, should not contain sexist, racist, other derogatory or defamatory language, or promote underage drinking or illegal drug use.  Materials that do not meet the criteria of this policy will be removed and anyone responsible for posting materials not consistent with our community values may be referred to the Honor Board.


Posters and Signs (short-term postings)

In order to keep walls, doors, wooden surfaces, and windows in good condition and to comply with fire codes, posting of signs, flyers, or any other material is only permitted on designated posting locations. Items posted in any other location will be removed immediately and discarded. Posters and flyers may not be placed or taped to wooden surfaces and/or windows. Stickers (vinyl or other) should not be placed on college property, including buildings, windows, and furniture and will be removed if placed there.  Designated posting locations are as follows:

  • Campus Center: Multiple bulletin boards on the first floor, table tents or napkin dispenser sign holders on Dining Hall tables
  • Miller Academic Center: Bulletin boards in the north (towards Campus Center) and south (towards Lot A) entrance vestibules and near the elevators
  • Milas Hall: Library upper level bulletin boards
  • East and West Halls: Bulletin boards in the main entrance lobbies and designated Community Posting Areas (varies by Hall and floor)


Posted materials must:

  • Contain the contact information of an individual or recognized organization
    • Anonymous posts may be displayed if the poster deems absolutely necessary; anonymous posts will be removed after 2 weeks and must comply with all other elements of the Posting policy
  • Fit on the designated posting area
  • Not cover another posting to obscure its content
  • Have a clearly visible expiration date – this may be the date of an advertised event or 1 month from the date posted. In the case of the later, those posting should write the posting date on it.
  • Community members are asked to remove their posters after the expiration date. Facilities staff will periodically remove out of date postings.
  • Facilities will generally remove all temporary postings at the end of the fall and spring semesters and summer session.

Students who wish to post or display items outside of these parameters should contact the Dean of Student Affairs to discuss available options.

Removing, destroying, or tampering with others’ postings that are in compliance with this policy may be a violation of the Honor Code and students who do so may be referred to the Honor Board.


Sidewalk Chalk

Sidewalk chalk may only be used only on the non-brick walkways around the residence halls (paths from soccer field to Campus Center and interconnecting paths between residence halls, Campus Center and Milas Hall). Chalking personal or college property (i.e., brick areas, the Oval, stairs, buildings, landscape walls, cars, signs, etc.) is not permitted. The content and location of chalkings must be in accordance with the Olin College Honor Code and the college reserves the right to authorize the removal of chalkings.