IDS164 Negotiating: Searching for Common Ground
Designed to prepare students to understand the multi-faceted approaches to negotiation. Through readings, analyzing theories, guest speakers, case studies and interactive exercises, students gain valuable negotiating tools ranging from enhancing ones bargaining position to deescalating negative emotions. Students will learn to negotiate anything from personal to business matters. This course fulfuls open, liberal arts, behavioral science, and social science electives.
Communication Proficiency
- BEH - Behavioral Science Elective
- HUM - Humanities Elective
- IDSO - ISO Social Science Elective
- IDSU - IDS Humanities Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- MTBS - Mass Transfer Behav Science
- MTHA - Mass Transfer Humanities Arts
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SOSC - Social Science Elective