EDPD.5037 Teaching Strategies for Students Living in Poverty

Students living in poverty face challenges that educators may miss in our school settings. As a result of this course, participants will develop methods and strategies that will best meet the learning needs of students living in poverty. Participants will understand the nature of poverty and how poverty affects behavior and academic performance. Once an understanding of poverty has been established, participants will "embrace the mindset of change" necessary to assist students living with poverty (Jensen, 2009). Participants will view students as having "fluid intelligence" and develop action steps necessary to positively influence the way in which students can better understand learning standards and grow as learners/thinkers. Finally, participants will develop classroom level factors to improve student performance following the SHARE method (Standards-based curriculum and instruction; Hope building; Arts, athletics, and Advanced Placement; Retooling of the operating system; and Engaging instruction.)
