English Minor with Concentration in Creative and Professional Writing

The English minor with a Concentration in Creative/Professional Writing requires the following five courses (20-22 cr.):

Two 1000-level ENG Introduction to Literature courses

One 2000-level ENG Literature course

ENW 1013 Intro to Creative Writing

Two ENG Electives in Literature at the 2000-level or above. Creative/Professional Writing (ENW) and/or Film (ENF) courses at any level may also be used.One course, with approval, may be a film-related course from outside the major.


Minimum grade for major or minor requirements: Only courses in which the student receives a grade of “C” or better may be used to satisfy major or minor requirements.


Students may opt to major in one concentration and minor in another as long as no courses are double-counted.


Credit towards the major or minor for courses taken in other programs and for on-line classes is determined by the Division Chair.  


Students who have received a grade of B or better in Composition and Literature 102 at a Community College and students who have passed the Advanced Placement English Literature Exam with a score of 5 are exempt from one 1000-level literature class.


ENC (English composition) courses and courses with the ENE designation are not accepted towards any English major or minor.