Certification Through Individual Evaluation

For those already certified who wish to become certified in another area or grade level, we offer the opportunity to complete the coursework required for certification through individual evaluation by NYSED.  In these cases, following New York State regulations, candidates can apply for additional certification directly to NYSED, using graduate courses they have taken at Manhattanville.  All of the certification areas that we offer are available to these candidates.  In addition to graduate coursework, certification may require additional Liberal Arts courses, testing, and workshops.  Very careful choice of courses is required and interested students are advised to consult with the Graduate Advising Office and NYSED at www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/.  Responsibility for certification resides strictly with NYSED.  No guarantee or warranty of certification is offered or implied by Manhattanville.

Anyone registering for any graduate class must hold a Bachelor’s degree, with the exception of those currently enrolled in a Manhattanville BA/Masters degree program.

Registration for one or more courses as a non-matriculated student does not imply or guarantee acceptance into a degree or advanced certificate program.