Graduate Catalog 2021-2022 School of Education Graduate Programs and Requirements
This chapter outlines all of the School of Education Graduate Programs and the required coursework and NYS requirements for each specific program.
Graduate Catalog 2021-2022
Computer Science Education (All Grades), MAT E307
Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 2), MAT (E102)
Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), MAT (E101)
Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2) and Childhood Ed (Grades 1-6), MAT (E103)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Grades 5-12) English, MAT (E203)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Grades 5-12) Mathematics, MAT (E204)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Ed Science (Biology or Chemistry Grades 5-12) or (Physics Grades 7-12), MAT (E201, E202, E212)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Ed (Grades 5-12) Social Studies, MAT (E205)
Adolescence Ed (Grades 7-12) Foreign Language (French, Spanish, Italian and Latin), MAT (E206, E209, E207, E208)
Visual Arts Education (All Grades), MAT (E301)
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (All Grades), MAT (E303)
Special Education: Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2), MPS (E402)
Special Education Childhood (Grades 1-6), MPS (E401)
Special Ed Early Childhood and Childhood (Birth – Grade 6), MPS (E403)
Special Education: Grades 7-12 Generalist, MPS (E406)
Childhood Education (Grades 1-6) and Special Education: Childhood (Gr 1-6), MPS (E701)
Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2) and Special Education: Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2), MPS (E709)
English (5-9 and 7-12); Special Ed Generalist (7-12); SE English (7-12), MPS (E704A)
Math (5-9 and 7-12); Special Ed Generalist (7-12); SE Math (7-12), MPS (E705A)
Science: Biology or Chemistry (5-9 and 7-12); Special Ed Generalist (7-12); SE Science (7-12), MPS (E702A, E703A)
Social Studies (5-9 and 7-12); Special Ed Generalist (7-12); SE Soc.St. (7-12), MPS (E706A)
Applied Behavior Analysis, MPS (E400)
TESOL - Teaching English as a Second Language (All Grades), MPS (E602)
TESOL Adult and International Settings, MPS (E601)
Literacy Specialist (Birth – Grade 6), MPS (E505)
Literacy Specialist (Grades 5-12), MPS (E507)
Literacy (Birth-Grade 6) and Special Education Childhood (Grades 1-6), MPS (E707)
Literacy 5-12; Special Education Generalist 7-12; Special Ed Specialist 7-12, MPS (E708A)
Educational Studies, M.Ed. (E010)
Education Entrepreneurship, M.Ed. (E011)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Grades 5-12) English, CERT (E203)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Grades 5-12) Mathematics, CERT (E204)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Grades 5-12) Science (Biology Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science), CERT (E201, E202, E212, E211)
Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education (Grades 5-12) Social Studies, CERT (E205)
Adolescence Education (Grades 7-12) Foreign Language (French, Spanish, Italian, or Latin), CERT (E206, E209, E207, E208)
Visual Art Education (All Grades), CERT (E301)
Music Education (All Grades), CERT (E302)
TESOL – Teaching English as a Second Language (All Grades), CERT (E602)
Special Education: Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2), CERT (E402)
Special Education: Childhood (Grades 1-6), CERT (E401)
Special Education: Early Childhood (Birth – Grade 2) and Childhood (Grades 1-6), CERT (E403)
Special Education: Grades 7-12 Generalist, CERT (E406)
Applied Behavior Analysis ADV CERT
Education for Sustainability, ADV CERT (E020)
Literacy B-Grade 2
Literacy Grade 5-12
Science of Reading: Multisensory Instruction – The Rose Institute for Learning and Literacy, ADV CERT (E509)
Social-Emotional Learning and Whole Child Education, ADV CERT (E030)
Health and Wellness Specialist, ADV CERT (E305)
Educational Leadership, MPS (E901)
Educational Leadership (SBL), Professional Diploma (E902)
Educational Leadership (SBL and SDL), Professional Diploma (E906)
School District Leader, Certificate of Advanced Study (E908)
Bilingual Education Certificate of Advanced Study (E604)
Educational Leadership Doctoral Program (Doctor of Education or EDD degree)