English with Literature Concentration, Bachelor of Arts
Literature Concentration
The English Major with a Concentration in Literature requires the following courses:
Two ENG 1000-level Introduction to Literature courses
Three ENG 2000-level courses in Literature
Two ENG 3000-level Literature seminars (all courses at the 3000-level require one 1000-level ENG course and one 2000-level ENG course)
Taken Junior year:
ENG 3083
Literary Theory & Criticism
ENF 3075
Film Theory (ENF 1001 is prerequisite)
Two electives; ENG electives must be 2000 or 3000-level, and ENF and ENW electives may be at any level.
ENG 3998
Senior Thesis Research
Students double majoring in English and Secondary Education who plan to teach at the middle school or high school level should make sure that their selection of courses meets the following additional distribution requirements: at least one course in American literature, one course in film studies, one course in creative and professional writing, and one course in women’s writing. These students should also see School of Education catalog for additional EDU and ENE course requirements.
The English Minor with a Concentration in Literature requires the following courses (17-19 cr.):
Two ENG 1000-level Introduction to Literature courses
One ENG 2000-level Literature course
Two ENG Electives in Literature at the 2000 level or above. Creative/Professional Writing (ENW) and/or Film (ENF) courses at any level may also be used.
Two electives from ENF and/or film and media-related electives (see above) from ENG and/or ENW. One course, with approval, may be a film-related course from outside the major.
Prerequisites for ENG 3000-level courses: Students must have taken one previous ENG 1000-level course and one previous ENG 2000-level course; for ENG 3998 (Senior Thesis Literature), students must have taken one previous 3000-level course in addition to ENG 3083 (Literary Theory) or ENF 3075 (Film Theory) or by permission of the English faculty; for ENF 3075 (Film Theory), students must have previously taken ENF 1001 (Introduction to Film Studies); for ENF 3998 (Senior Thesis in Film), students must have previously taken ENF 3075 or by permission of the English faculty.